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As the hours dragged on and sleep continued to elude me, I found myself wandering the cavernous halls of the mansion in my nightgown, the cool marble floors chilling my bare feet with each step. The mansion seemed to stretch on endlessly, its grandeur and opulence both mesmerizing and unsettling.

I traced my fingertips along the ornate tapestries that lined the walls, my mind consumed with thoughts of what awaited me in this strange and forbidding place. Every creak of the floorboards, every whisper of the wind through the windows, seemed to echo with the weight of untold secrets and hidden dangers.

But despite the fear and uncertainty that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, I couldn't bring myself to return to my room and attempt to sleep. There was something about this mansion – something that called to me, beckoning me deeper into its depths with an irresistible allure.

Lost in thought, I rounded a corner and found myself in a vast ballroom, its towering windows bathed in moonlight that cast eerie shadows across the polished marble floor. The room was empty, its silence broken only by the soft rustle of my nightgown as I moved.

As I wandered through the ballroom, a sense of unease settled over me like a heavy shroud. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched – that unseen eyes followed my every move, their gaze filled with malevolence and malice.

But try as I might, I could find no trace of the source of my unease. It was as though the very walls themselves held their secrets close, refusing to reveal the truth that lurked within their depths.

With a weary sigh, I sank to the floor, the cold marble sending a shiver through my bones. The mansion loomed around me, its silent halls stretching out in all directions like the maze of a nightmare.

And as I sat there in the darkness, the weight of exhaustion pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket, I couldn't help but wonder – what secrets lay hidden within the walls of this mansion, and what price would I have to pay to uncover them?

I was wondering around the palace, a heavy heart that wouldn't allow me to rest. I was feeling things that I had never really felt before. A desire. And that's when I ran into Malachi. "Why are you up?" He asked, his crimson red eyes burning into mine. I bite my lip as a sensation floods through me. He knows it. I knows he knows. And that's when it happens.

He takes a step closer, his hand trailing down my arm. I shiver at the touch, but I don't pull away. He leans in, his lips brushing against my ear, and whispers, "I've been waiting for this moment." His other hand cups my cheek, tilting my head up. "You belong to me now, Elara."

My heart races as his tongue darts out, tracing the outline of my lips. I part them slightly, eager for his kiss. His lips are soft, demanding, and I melt into him, returning his kiss with equal passion. His hands slide down my back, gripping my hips, pulling me closer.

"You're so wet for me," he growls into my ear. His fingers dip between our bodies, teasing at the wetness at the entrance of my core. I arch my back, unable to contain the moan that escapes me as he presses two fingers inside, filling me. He thrusts them deeper, harder, claiming what is his.

His lips trail down my neck, sucking and nipping at the tender skin there. He nudges me forward, guiding me to his bedroom. The room is dimly lit, the only light coming from a single candle flickering on the nightstand. The bed is huge, the sheets tangled and waiting for us. Malachi pushes me down onto the mattress, following me down, his body pressed against mine.

He begins to kiss and nip at my neck, his teeth raking gently over my skin. His fingers find the hem of my nightgown, lifting it up over my hips. I arch my back, offering him more access as he tosses the gown aside. His breath hitches when he sees me, completely bare and wet for him. His eyes travel down my body, tracing the line of my hip to where I'm already spread for him.

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