27. | Unique

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The past few days, I've been working on organizing for the Christmas Eve party at Naomi's

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The past few days, I've been working on organizing for the Christmas Eve party at Naomi's. Alex is pissed at me and ignoring me, which leaves me isolated.

And left alone.

I finish up my list of things I need to get and get ready to leave, making sure I have my wallet and my phone.

I whip open my door, stepping into the hall, but immediately, I'm hit with a wall of muscle. I grunt, stumbling back a few steps and finding Alex standing in front of me.

I rub at my head. "Jesus, you could give someone a concussion from how hard your body is." I frown.

He rolls his eyes. "You headin' out?"

"No. I'm just casually sporting around my coat." I smile fakely at him. "If you'll excuse me." I walk around him to the stairs, taking them and grabbing my keys off the rack. But a hand is snatching them from me. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going with you." Is all he says as he walks out the door. With my keys.

"Wh— Alex!" I groan as he stalks off, spinning my keys around his finger. He took the house key, so I can't even lock the door. "Asshole!"


"What are we even doing here?" Alex asks for the fifth time since we've walked into this store. I roll my eyes, staring at the shelves of decorations.

"I told you. We need to get the decorations for the Christmas Eve party at Naomi's." I state, crossing my arms.

"Oh, the one dating your boss." He immediately recognizes her.

"Yes. Her." I step forward, then step back. I place one hand on my hip. Which one should I go for? Black and blue, or red and green?

"What are you trying to decide?" He sighs.

"Which looks better? Black and blue streamers or red and green?" I turn to him.

"Well, considering it's Christmas Eve, I'd say red and green." He tells.

I sigh, turning back. "But the green clashes with the red. Maybe if we can find a darker green..." I mumble, walking down the aisle. I find a pine green streamer and snag it, taking it to the red and comparing it. "That works." I put them in the cart. "Okay, we need...plates, silverware, mistletoe—"

"Mistletoe? Seriously?" Alex raises his brows at me.

"What? Can't ruin the Christmas mood." I state. "Now let's go look at Christmas decorations." I walk off before he can say anything, hearing him sigh. He wanted to come along, this is his torture.

I find the Christmas decorations and grab some garland. "When I figured you were going shopping, this is not what I had in mind."

I shrug. "You chose to come with me. I was perfectly fine on my own." I grab items and scan them, only to put them back.

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