Chapter 4

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

" Kookie, it's time for you to go back to the doctor, it's been a week, " My mom said opening my door and I stood up quickly

" It is? Okay, let's go! " I said smiling and grabbed my phone and walking downstairs and out of the door. I got into the car and motioned my mom to hurry up

I don't know why I was so excited to go back to the hospital...Maybe it was because of Taehyung?... I don't know, I've been thinking about him for a while...Maybe it was just because he was very...very handsome

" Are you feeling any better BunBun?" She asked me as she started up the car. I bite my lip a little

" I-I don't know....kinda," I said quickly and he nodded and we started to drive to the hospital. My palms were kinda sweating and my legs were bouncing up and down

Why am I nervous? Am I nervous? Why should I be nervous....I'm just going to see the doctor again, I should be fine

We pulled up at the hospital and I got out and started the walk to the entrance

" Wait up Kookie, " My mom said and I nodded and wanted on her. We walked inside and my mom talked to the recipient ladies. We followed her to the back like last time and she nodded on the door

Taehyung opened the door and smiled at us

" I'll be right here Kookie, you go inside," She said smiling and sitting down in a chair. Taehyung smiled at me and walked in

" Well come back Jungkook ?" Taehyung said smiling and I smiled back

" Nice to see you too Dr. Kim " I said smiling and sitting on the bed. He turned around and I looked at his back. I subconsciously licked my bottom lip

He turned around and smiled at me. I smiled back at him, blushing when he looked at me in the eyes

" How have you been since our last visit," He asked me while getting out his clipboard. I looked at his fingers and it was like I was lost in a trance. They were so long and slender

" Jungkook? Are you listening " He said waving his hands in my face and I jumped

" Y-yes, I'm listening, " I said blushing and he nodded

" How have you been feeling since the last time you came here? " He asked me

" Um....I've been feeling okay kinda...." I said playing my fingers

" I need a yes or no Jungkook, If you feel better, you won't need to come back again," He said writing some things down

If I say no....that will mean I won't come here anymore ...But, I wanna continue seeing him, but it would be selfish of me because other people need his assistance

" um....I-I've been feeling worst," I said lying through my teeth even though I've been feeling a lot better

" Poor thing, take off your jacket so we can start examining you, " He said and I nodded. I took off my jacket and handed to him. He looked at my jacket before placing it on the desk

" Hey....the jacket that you were wearing, that highschool sounds familiar to me, I'm guessing your in school right? " He said looking at me and I smiled

" Yeah, I go to IBigHit Medical High School, IBHHMS for short," I said smiling and he nodded

" I went there when I was in high school, that was a long time ago," He said smiling and I looked at him

" You don't look a day over 22 honestly, " I said giggling and he laughed with me

" I'm actually 26, everyone says I look younger than my age," He said laughing and I blushed. All I do is blush around him....this is so weird

" Well I exam you, why do you go to IBHHMS? " He said pecking my blood pressure

" I wanna become a Doctor," I said smiling, I love talking about my future career. I love talking about it

" What type of Doctor? " He said feeling my arms and taking off his gloves

" A Psychiatrist," I said smiling and he nodded

" That's a good career," He said smiling and looking at me

" Um....I'm gonna be you to take off your shirt, " He said looking at me and I blushed

" O-oh...what ever you say Dr., " I said I started to take off my shirt and he walked over to the window and closed the blinds

" I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable so I closed the blinds of that's okay with you, " He asked me and I looked up at him. His eyes were brown...and so deep...I could get lost inside of them

" Are you okay? You keep on dazing out " He said and I subconsciously nodded. He was so handsome....every inch of his face looked so Parallel and even, making him even more beautiful

" Your staring at me face Jungkook, Do I have something on my face, " He said and I immediately looked at my hand aka covered my face in embarrassment

" I'm sorry...." I said looking away and he placed his hand under my chin and made me look at him

" It's fine, everyone stares at me, I know I'm handsome, " He said smirking

" I'm gonna exam you now, " He said and I nodded

" Does this hurt?" He said touching the side of my abdomen

" N-no," I said blushing and he nodded and started to move his hand. " Does this hurt? " He said pressing down on my abdomen

" Yes..." I said biting my lip,  he nodded and started to write something down

" Tell Jungkook...You seem to have some problem with your abdomen, that wouldn't explain the stomach pain...I think I'll have to test something, but I'd need your approval " He said looking at me

" Sure....what is it, " I asked and he looked at me closely. Shit, we were so closed to each other

" I may need to give you a prostate exam "

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