Chapter 22

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[Klaus has earphones on and is leastening to "Allegretto from Symphony No. 7 Op. 92" by Beethoven, while laying in bath.]
People look at Klaus worried.
Klaus: (O.S.) Dave! [helicopter flying is overhead.]
Klaus: (O.S.) (echoing) Dave! [Klaus's breath quickens.]
Klaus: (O.S.) (screams) Dave! Dave! [Klaus gasps and sits up.]
"Okay. What the hell happened to you in past? Last time i saw you like this was when i--- did you lose someone?" Asked Ben. Klaus shrugged.
[Klaus is changing. His room's door is open.]
Klaus: (groans) Oh, boy... [Five is watching, he looks at bathroom and then he looks back and knocks at Klaus's room's door.]
Five: You okay?
Klaus: Hey. Yeah, I just... Long night. Five: (chuckles) More than one, from the looks of it.
Klaus: Yeah.
Five: Don't remember the dog tags.  Klaus: (grunts) Yeah, they belonged to a friend.
Five: How about that new tattoo?
Klaus: You know, I don't totally remember even getting it. Like I said, it was a long night.
"Why are you suspicious? Literally nothing can point to him time traveling." Said Diego.
"That's what you think. Time traveling has symptoms." Said Five.
Five: You did it, didn't you?
Klaus: What are you talkin' about?
Five: You know, I can recognize the symptoms, Klaus.
Klaus: Symptoms of what?
Five: The jet lag. Full body itch. (Klaus sighs) The headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton up into your nose and through your brain... You gonna tell me about it?
Klaus: Your pals, when they broke into the house and they couldn't find you, they took me hostage instead.
Five: And in return, you stole their briefcase.
Five glared at Klaus at the mention of brifcase.
Klaus: Yeah. I thought there was money in it, or I could pawn it, you know, whatever. (sighs) And then I opened it.
Five: And the next thing you knew, you were... where? Or should I say when?
Klaus: What difference does it make?
Five: What diff... Uh... Okay, how long were you gone?
Klaus: Almost a year.
Five: A year? Do you know what this means?
Klaus: Yeah, I'm ten months older now.
"Klaus is older than me." Said Allison.
"Future is weird. Even for us." Said Luther.
Five: No, this isn't any sort of joke, Klaus. Hazel and Cha-Cha will do whatever they can to get the briefcase. Where is it now?
Klaus: Gone. I destroyed it. Poof.
Five: What the hell were you thinking?
Klaus: What do you care?
Five: What do I care? I needed it, you moron, so I could get back. I could start over.
Klaus: Just... Just...
Five: Where you going?
Klaus: Interrogation's over, just... leave. [Five sights and starts writing something.]
[Diego opens the box, where he has knives.]
Patch: Diego, you need to let me handle this. You're not equipped...
Diego: You always loved telling me what I can and can't do. You know, maybe for once, just try things my way.
Diego looks away from screen.
[Diego puts knife back and takes the suitcase.]
Cora: You ready?
Diego: Yeah.
[Klaus is looking around.]
Klaus: What happened here?
Diego: You look like shit.
Klaus: Why, thank you.
Cora: Are you okay?
Klaus: Yeah. Hey, where you going?
Diego: Nope.
Klaus: What?
Diego: I'm not giving you a ride.
Klaus: Oh, come on, man. You know I can't drive.
Diego: I don't c...
Klaus: Okay, great. I'll just get my things.
Cora shooks her head amused by her brother's antic.
[Allison is searching up information on Leonard. She hears someone sneeze.]
Allison; Bless you. [We move to another table and see Cha-Cha, reading a book.]
Cha-Cha: Oh. Thanks.
"What the--?" Said Allison.
[Allison writes down Leonard's house's location and leaves.]
Agnes: (gasps, sighs) Long time, no see.
Hazel: Well... busy today, huh?
Agnes: Oh. Tuesday specials. Cream-filleds are half off. If we don't sell them by midnight, they get as hard as hockey pucks.
Hazel: (chuckles) Yes.
"Are they flirting?" Asked confused Cora.
"They are." Said Klaus.
Agnes: So. What can I get ya?
Hazel: That's a good question. Glazed. Reliable, simple. Chocolate's rich and sensual. (chuckles) Cherry-filled. Big upside, greatest potential for disappointment. I don't know what to do. I think I'll just sit here and... think about it.
Agnes: Well, you better... figure it out in a hurry, because I'm about to go on my lunch break.
Hazel: Well, I could eat.
Agnes: Ah.
"This is unprofessional." Said Five.
"Don't be love killer" Said Klaus.
[Klaus is sitting in back, looking out of window. Cora is sitting next to him and looking at him worried.]
Diego: You okay? [Klaus doesn't answer.]
Cora: Klaus, are you really okay?
[Klaus drinks the water.]
Diego: Wow. This is a first. My brother Klaus is silent. Last time you were this quiet, we were 12. Ran down the stairs wearing Grace's heels, tripped over, and broke yourjaw.
Cora chuckled at memory.
"It wasn't funny! It hurt, you know?" Said Klaus.
"It was kinda fun." Said Cora. Klaus shows her a middle finger.
Diego: How long was it wired shut again?
Klaus: Eight weeks.
Diego: Eight glorious weeks of bliss.
Klaus: Hey, just... just drop me off here.
[Diego stops the car.]
Diego: You sure you okay, man? [Klaus gets out of car and enters the war veterans' house.]
"Can we find it out already?!" Said annoyed Cora.
[Klaus pours himself alcohol and drinks. He walks to photos.]
Klaus: Hey, Dave. [Klaus starts crying softly.)]
Klaus: (O.S.) Dave! Dave! [There is gunfire sound.]
Klaus: (O.S.) Dave! [Klaus sniffles.]
"It seems like you were in love with him." Said Ben.
"Relationships aren't my thing." Said Klaus.
[Diego and Cora place their hands on Klaus's arm. One on each side.]
Klaus:  Just go away, please.
Cora: Not until you talk to us.
Klaus: (sighs) Is that a threat? You threatening me?
Veteran: Hey, guys. This bar? It's for vets only.
Klaus: I am a vet. [Diego and Cora look at Klaus confused.]
Veteran: Really? (chuckles) Where'd you serve?
Klaus: None of your business.
Veteran: You got balls comin' in here, pretendin' you're one of us.
"Okay, can someone explain what is happening already?" Said Vanya.
Klaus: Oh, I have every right to be here, just like you. asshоlе. [Man walks toward Klaus and Diego stops him.]
Diego: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Slow down, Marine. All right? My brother's just had a few too many.
Cora: Yeah, Let's just call it a day, all go our own way.
Veteran: Sure thing.
Cora: Thank you.
Diego: Klaus...
Veteran: As long as you apologize. [Klaus giggles.]
Cora: Fine. I'm sorry. He's sorry. We're all sorry. So... are we good?
Veteran: I wanna hear him say it.
Diego: Hey, man, We are just trying to...
Klaus: No, no. He's right, Diego. He's right. He's right. I'd like to apologize... that you... are depriving some village of their idiot! [Veteran throws a punch, Diego jodges and hits him. Cora, Klaus and Diego start fighting with Veterans.]
"Did we just beat up bunch of old men?" Said Cora.
"Veteran old men." Corrected Diego.
[Hazel and Agnes are eating sandwiches.]
Hazel: This is nice.
Agnes: Mm. Yeah. My friends live here. (Chuckles) I'm a twitcher. 
Hazel: What's that, like a drսg thing?
"It isn't." Answered Klaus.
"You would know." Said Diego.
Agnes: (laughs) No! No, that's what we bird-watchers call each other.
Hazel: Oh!
Agnes: Oh, you see, now, there's a red-bellied sapsucker. Looks like he's a little shy with the ladies. (sighs) Wow, look over there. That is... a jack pine warbler, also known as a Kirtland... warbler, very rare.
Hazel: Hm. (sighs) So, you just... sit here and... watch 'em?
Agnes: Mm-hmm.
Hazel: You don't shoot at 'em or anything?
Agnes: Never. I just... I like how free they are, just completely in the moment. You know, when they're hungry, they eat, when they're tired, they nest, when they're hоrny, they...
Hazel: Oh. (both chuckle softly) Secret of life, huh? Keep things simple. We just complicate everything.
"We could use this." Said Five. Cora and Diego nodded.
"What?" Asked Vanya.
"He likes her." Said Ben.
Agnes: Oh, isn't that the truth?
Hazel: I used to enjoy my life. Agnes: Mm-hmm?
Hazel: It was all about work, really. Lately, I just... find myself goin' through the motions. Oh. I'm on the road 52 weeks a year, no place to call home.
Agnes: Oh. Well, that must be so hard, not being in one place long enough to get comfortable. (Chuckles) I mean, I would miss my bed.
Hazel: Well, I don't even own a bed.
Agnes: That is so sad. I mean, everybody should have... a nest to fly to when they're tired.
Hazel: What about you?
Agnes: Mm?
Hazel: My guess is you don't wanna spend the rest your life sellin' doughnuts to people like me.
Agnes: Well, I've been saving a nest egg to, uh... to move to the country. I'm gonna have a vegetable garden and maybe even open up my own bakery, and experiment with vegan doughnuts.
Hazel: (chuckles softly) Hm? That's a nice plan.
"Aww. Cute." Said Klaus.
"He tortured you" Said Cora like Klaus was crazy.
Agnes: Yeah. Another year or so, I will have saved enough to go.
Hazel: Hey, you might wanna... fast-track your timeline.
Agnes: Really? Why?
Hazel: Life is short. Hm. Future doesn't come with any guarantees. You want somethin' in life, you gotta go for it. Yeah. [They hold hands.]
[Klaus is chuckling. Klaus is sitting in passenger sit and Cora in the back.]
Diego: You got a big mouth, you know that?
Klaus: Oh, wow. What a truly shocking revelation, Diego.
Cora: Everything's isn't a joke! [Klaus is opening pill, but Diego takes it out from his hand.]
Diego: Would you stop it? Why are you putting this shit in your body? [Diego raises his shirt.]
Diego: Check this out. Hm? My body is a temple. All that shit you do, it's just weakness.
"Weakness feels good." Said Klaus.
"For now. You are ruining your life." Said Cora.
"You can't ruin, what's already ruined." Said Klaus.
Klaus: Oh. Well, weakness feels so good.
Cora: What's goin' on with you? [Klaus takes out another pill and Cora hits him in the head, which makes him drop it.]
Klaus: Don't hit me, Bitch!
Cora: Don't tell me everything is all right, because I saw you in there. You were crying!
Klaus: Because I lost someone! (sighs) I lost someone. The only... (sighs) The only person I've ever truly loved more than myself... Cheers. [Klaus swallows the pill.]
People look at him sadly and symathetically.
Diego: Well, you're luckier than most. When you lose someone, at least you can... see them whenever you want. [Cora glares at Diego.]
"That's not that easy and you know it!" Glared Cora at Diego.
Cora: Diego! (To Klaus, softly) Who did you lose? You have never mentioned anyone. [Diego sees Hazel in the Car's mirror. He is outside Griddy's Doughnuts, saying goodby to Agnes.]
Klaus: I--
Diego: (interrupts) That's our man.
Klaus: Hey, I know that guy.
Diego: How could you possibly know that...
Klaus: He and a really angry lady tortured me. I barely got out with my life.
Cora: What do you mean torture?!
[Hazel sits in car and leaves.]
Diego: We gotta get this guy. [Diego follows him.]

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