Chapter Three

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Rachel had no idea what she was going to do. Her previous efforts clearly hadn't worked; Jonas was infatuated with Amber. Well, this time he'd have to take notice of her.

Luckily - for Rachel, anyway - she still had some contacts from when she and Jonas got married, and their invitation designer was the one Amber used, recommended by Jonas. Rookie mistake, Rachel thought to herself.

Rachel called up the invitation designer, whose name was Cecelia.

"Cecelia's Designs, how may I help?" Cecelia answered cheerfully.

"Hi, Cecelia, it's Rachel. Rachel Parker."

"Hi, Rachel." Cecelia sounded surprised.

"Listen, do you have a copy of the invite for Jonas and Amber's wedding?"

"Of course, but it's top secret. Only invitees get to see it."

Rachel's heart sank. But then she remembered she had some money left over from when she was married to Jonas. "What if I paid you, could you send me the invite then?"

Cecelia was silent for a moment. "How much?"

"How much do you want?"

"Why are you so desperate to get the invite?"

"Look, you were rooting for mine and Jonas' relationship, right?"


"So I need to get him back." Rachel started to wail slightly.

Cecelia was silent again.

"I'll pay you as much as you want."

"Okay, fine, but no getting up to mischief with it. Promise?"

Rachel grinned. "Promise."


It was five days later and Amber and Jonas were going cake-tasting. Amber brought Daisy along for a second (or third) opinion.

"Amber, I'm leaving you in charge of this cake," said Jonas suddenly.

"What? Why?"

"Because you're the bride and you know what you want. Daisy, can I have a quick word please."

Daisy and Amber looked at each other. Then Daisy looked at Jonas. "Me?" she asked.

Jonas nodded.

Daisy looked at Amber again, sighed, and followed Jonas out of the room.

Jonas shut the door behind him as soon as they were in the corridor. Jonas looked around as if to make sure no-one was listening.

"What is it, Jonas?" asked Daisy. "What's going on?"

"Usually - I mean, last time, with Rachel - I had Amber to talk to, but this time...."

"What's wrong? Getting cold feet?"

Jonas put his hands behind his head and started pacing the floor. He sighed. "I'm just not sure I can do this."

"You mean the wedding?"

Jonas nodded.

"You don't love Amber?"

Jonas sighed again. "Of course I love Amber."

Daisy breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, because Amber would be heartbroken if you didn't. You're her whole world."

"I'm just so nervous," said Jonas.

Daisy looked Jonas in the eyes. "Jonas, listen to me. You can do this. You've done it before. Just think: what would Amber say?"

"She'd say exactly what you just said," said Jonas.


Jonas turned his face away from Daisy. "I don't know why I'm so nervous."

Daisy shook her head. "Neither do I, I mean, you're a huge superstar. You should be confident."

"There was a time when I wasn't a huge superstar," Jonas said. "But then Amber helped me become popular again. I owe everything to her."

"Have you told her that?"

"I think she knows."

"I wouldn't be so sure. Girls can get really insecure sometimes."

Jonas laughed.

"But seriously, you've got to make her aware of your feelings."

"She really means everything to me, Daisy."

"Then you've got to tell her that."

"I will... At some point..."

"Amber was right about your nerves."

"What about my nerves?"

Daisy rolled her eyes. "Amber told me, every time you do a show, you get nervous."

"She's right," admitted Jonas. "I don't know what's the matter with me."

"Neither do I, for someone so famous you should be on top of your confidence game."

"I guess that's just the way I am," shrugged Jonas.

"Well you'll be fine. In whatever you do."

"Thanks, Daisy." He embraced her in a hug, and Daisy suddenly felt more than a pang of jealousy. Yes, Amber was her best friend, but what made her so lucky in nabbing this amazing man?

Of course, Daisy loved Amber, and she didn't have it in her to ruin things for her.

So she just admired Jonas from afar.

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