Chapter Six

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Amber snuggled into Jonas as they lay cosily in the beach hut.

"I'm proud of how you handled the wedding," said Amber. "I know how nervous you were."

"You'd think by now the nerves wouldn't be an issue," said Jonas.

Amber smiled, and snuggled into Jonas tighter. "How I wish this could last forever."

Jonas tightened his grip on Amber slightly. "So do I, but I have to go back to work, otherwise my fans wouldn't be very happy."

"I know," sighed Amber. "I just like having you all to myself."

"You'll always have me to yourself. There's no one else but you, Amber."

"Still can't believe you're all mine."

"Why? Your lack of self esteem is concerning."

"But you're Jonas James. You could literally have any girl you wanted."

"And I wanted you." Jonas kissed her.


Rachel scanned every newspaper article, every TV show, just to get hold on Jonas and Amber's whereabouts, but she couldn't find anything. All she found was an article saying they'd retreated to a 'top secret location' for their honeymoon.

Sharon was concerned for her daughter's wellbeing. "You really need to give it up, Rach."

"I just can't," said Rachel.

"You need to find someone else."

"There's no one else for me."


But by then, Rachel had already gone up to her room, probably to do some more scheming.


Soon it was time to head back to Braun. Amber felt she had had an amazing time. And so did Jonas. He wished it could last forever, but he had fans to think about.

The plane touched down at Braun Airport and Amber and Jonas exited the plane. A limo was waiting for them. Amber still couldn't believe this was her life now, even though she'd been with Jonas a long time.

"I think we should go and visit your parents," said Jonas.

Amber nodded. That sounded like a great idea.


The limo pulled up outside Amber's parents' house. Jonas got out and knocked on the door.

Amber's mother Angela was surprised to see them both. She welcomed them in with open arms.

"So," Angela said, "How's life?"

"Amazing," gushed Amber, and she meant it. She felt she would never quite get used to this lifestyle.

"What's next for you, Jonas?" asked Angela.

Amber rolled her eyes. Surely her mother wasn't turning into a Jonas groupie?!

Jonas laughed. "Well," he said. "I've got this new album coming out, and I'm going on tour."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Are you expecting anyone, Mom?" asked Amber.

Angela shook her head, and got up to answer the door. Amber and Jonas followed her, and got the shock of their lives when they saw Rachel standing there.

"I knew I'd find you here," Rachel said.

"Rach," Jonas was dumbstruck. "What are you doing here?"

"I need you, Jonas. I don't know how I can show you how much."

Jonas put his hands to the back of his head, as he always did when he was stressed. Rachel clearly needed some kind of help, he told himself.

"Why don't you come in and we can talk about it?" he said.

Amber's blood ran cold. Oh no, she thought. He's fallen back in love with her. She looked at Jonas, with panic in her eyes.

"I know what I'm doing, Amber," said Jonas.

Rachel stepped inside. She sat down, rather awkwardly, and Angela offered her a drink.

"You've got to understand I'm with Amber now, Rach," said Jonas. "If you'd like, we can still be friends."

Rachel sighed. "I don't know, I just..." She started to cry.

"Oh, Rach." Jonas moved to put his arms around Rachel. "I still care about you."

Amber felt uneasy. If Jonas still cared about Rachel, where did that leave her?

She didn't make her emotions known, for fear that she might appear needy to Jonas. But she couldn't help it; he just meant so much to her.

"Why don't you go home, and I promise I'll keep in touch," said Jonas. "But please understand that I'm with Amber now, and nothing will change that."

Rachel nodded, though there were still tears in her eyes. She got up and left.

"It's good to know you still care about me," said Rachel as she was leaving. "I honestly wish you all the best with your life. Take care of yourself." She closed the door behind her.

Amber had a funny look in her eyes, a look of unease.

"What's the matter, Amber?" asked Jonas.

"You said you still care about her," said Amber. "What about me?"

"What?" Jonas couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Amber, you're my wife."

"She was your wife once. I just don't like sharing you."

"Oh, Amber." He pulled her into a hug. "Nothing is going to change the way I feel about you. Not Rachel, not anyone."



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