1:11 (Starfall)

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What if the stars fell

And left us in a shiny wasteland

Full of space and wonder

But also incomprehensible dangers

Things from beyond imagination itself

If such a thing exists

What if the stars fell

And you weren't in my arms

With your head resting on my chest

Your breathing steady and even

Calm as the world comes to an end

Because we have each other

As if it were enough to survive it all

What if the stars fell

And you were too far away

To say a final goodbye

And kiss one last time

I think I'd shed too many tears to count

Too many breaths would be wasted

Spilling my regrets to the collapsing sky

About how I never held you tight enough

What if the stars fell

And we didn't know it

Would it all just come to an abysmallistic end

And collapse like the end of time

Or would we see each other on the other side

Waiting like spirits of elder generations

For the perfect moment

The right opportunity

To embrace each other with love and grace

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