Day 2

3 0 0

quick instruction:

bold= sirius

normal = remus

time when they're not replying (didn't have energy to write every minute sorry):

. = about 15 minutes


. = about an hour (1,5hr)



.= few hours


Remus woke up with enormous headache. His throat was dry and burning, his sight was blury. Getting up every morning is a bit of trouble for him because of his always tired and sore body but today it was exceptionally difficult. He's sick that's for sure and thank god he doesn't have to go to work today. He could almost see all parents' complaints cause their baby is sick and that's all his fault.

He walked to the kitchen to pour himself some water. There were many photos from his past that he glued all over the wall. Usually he doesn't even look at them, honestly can't remember the last time he did, but today he was on the verge of extreme emotions. He turned to see himself hugging the prettiest person that he's ever met. He wondred why so many of their photos are glued in the middle of wall being so easily visible. Couldn't he glue them near the sailing or stuck beheind some cupboard?

He heard a little ping from notification and slowly went to the bedroom to see the cause of his emotional state.

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: did you wake up???

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: 'ive been in a club all night

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: very sweet night

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: met this guy who told me he's a soldier

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: he was bragging like hell so I challenged him

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: we wrestled and I WON

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: imagine being an alpha soldier and lose to an omega lajsdfliaueiwa

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: you should have seen the look on his face



Creamy dreamy sex on legs: sooo you're a late sleeper, huh?

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: can't say i'm an early bird either

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: but now im bored


Creamy dreamy sex on legs: well technically i can go to sleep but nah

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: life's too short

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: and there's so many things i wanna do

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: i wanna be a rockstar

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: wanna play guitar and sing

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: and throw jack daniel's bottle on japanese train

Creamy dreamy sex on legs: what a life...

Remus rub his temple feeling guilty as he smiled at the texts. This guy is great, he's funny and not rude and that's not so popular. And he's an omega... And Remus is still utterly in love with Sirius Black.

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