16. Fateful Encounters

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"Well, I'll see you two in the Reverie then!" Rosalyn spoke, excitedly. She was amused by their technology, she had heard many things going around the lobby, illusions that feel like reality!? How can that even be possible? Rosalyn had to experience it for herself.

"See you."

"I'll see you later, Rosalyn!"


'The instructions just said to lay down in the tub..' Cale entered the tub. Bubbles from the tub started to float out of the water and into the air. His vision started to become blurred out until he closed his eyes shut.

A great gush of wind hit him, but it.. didn't hurt..? Cale opened his eyes, realizing he had been falling from the sky and was about to crash into the ground! Cale closed his eyes again, awaiting for impact.


Had he crashed? There was a loud collision, but didn't feel anything...

"Looks like a new one." A new man's voice..

Along with a new woman's voice, "are you alright?"

Cale opened his eyes, looking up from the ground to the two who spoke.. angels? With wings and halos? He stared at them.

"I hope it didn't hurt much.." the woman said warmly, "here, take my hand." She reached out her hand for Cale to grab.

Cale took it, "thank you." He got up from the ground and brushed off the dust on his clothing.

"It must be your first time in the Reverie." The man smiled. "My name is Sunday, I'm the head of the Oak family and the representative and organizer for the celebration." He introduced himself first then the other, "and this is my sister, Robin, a singer and performer for the event."

"Hello!" Robin waved at Cale with a soft smile. She was pretty for the standards and not only that, she was kind... it didn't seem right though...

Cale stayed silent.

Sunday spoke, "it happens to every new arrival." A weird way to word it paired with that unsettling smile on his face. "Please excuse us, we'll be taking our leave now." He quickly excused themselves out.

"It's quite tricky to navigate around the Reverie for the first time, don't be afraid to ask around for help. Anyways, see you later then!" Robin waved goodbye as she left, following Sunday.

Cale got the weird vibes from those two, they seemed fake, just like that Aventurine guy. Was everyone here like that or what?

He excused that thought. 'Let's just go find the others.' Cale left to explore the place and find his friends. He walked up the staircase to the right and passed through all the sparkly stores lined up next to each other. It really felt like a dream, everything was so sparkly and grand.

Cale entered a square with a circular shape in the middle, he looked up to the ceiling. Orbs hanged on a chandelier mimicking planets, the blue-tinted glass covered with stars.

"Majestic, isn't it?"

Cale turned around in almost an instant. He had let his guard down unknowingly.

A woman with long, fluffy pastel purple hair wearing quite a revealing outfit paired with a matching veil stood in front of him with a small smile.

She began to speak again, "the Family spent quite the effort designing every spectacle here to careful perfection." She paused, crossing her arms. "But one can't hide another's past so easily." It felt like she was talking about something else...

'What is she talking about?' Cale began to get annoyed.

"Apologizes, I got carried away seeing such an.. interesting.. display." The woman unfolded her arms. "I'm the Memokeeper from the Garden of Recollection. Please, call me Black Swan." She had finally introduced herself.

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