Headcanons ~^^~

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-------ENMU HEADCANONS-------

-Enmu's favorite color is teal

-Enmu usually likes to think about Muzan after knocking on his office door, which gets Muzan pretty annoyed.

-When he enters Muzan's office, he usually likes to mess with him a bit before telling him a few train facts

-He has an obsession with Trains

-When he has no one to talk about trains with, he speaks to himself about it

-He'll dress up in a dress to either impress Muzan or just play around

-Bro doesn't let Muzan catch a single break

-He likes it when Muzan is in his disguise

-----Sexual headcanons------

His ass is fat as fuck to the point where he gets stuck everywhere (sometimes)

-Enmu's favorite position is the doggy position

-He is a masochist (no shit)

-He likes to get his hair pulled, choked, whipped, electrocuted, cut up, his organs ate, called names, and basically anything that relates to pain if Muzan or any other demon does it, but he mainly thinks it feels way better if it's Muzan

-He doesn't like using lube, but if Muzan wants it, he doesn't care.

-He is 100% a bottom

-He'll call Muzan "Daddy", "My lord", "Sir", or "Master"

-When entering Muzan's office when horny, he'll wear some sort of very lewd lingerie

-Whenever he's on a train, he takes off everything but his shirt, coat, and his socks

-He loves to be fucked in random places, public or not.

-On the kink scale, he's a 10/10


-Muzan's favorite colors are red, white, and black.

-He feels nice around Enmu even if it annoys him a little bit

-He hates it when Enmu starts talking about trains, but he'll listen

-Enmu is his second favorite Lower Moon. His first favorite is Rui.

-He shares Tanjiro's flesh with him

-He'll teleport Enmu into his room to cuddle with him before he sleeps

-When he wears his disguise, he feels BONITA

-When no one's around, bro Moonwalks🕺

-He sometimes takes off his hat, but not all the time

-He likes to give Enmu his hat sometimes because he looks cute in it.

---Sexual headcanons---

-If Enmu moans too loud, he'll scratch his back with his nails deep inside of it

-He's a good 13 inches long and 8 inches thick

-He knows that Enmu's a masochist for him, so he'll find every way to hurt him during sex

-He sometimes bites on Enmu's tongue when French Kissing him

-He'll slap Enmu's ass at least 7 times when Enmu's in his favorite position

-Muzan's favorite position is also the doggy position

-He takes advantage of Enmu's tentacles while they have sex

-He's rough to the point where he either forgets to prep him, lube him, or both.

-He likes to focus on his own pleasure instead of Enmu's

-He always cums inside, no pull-out at all

-He hates most of Enmu's kinks and ok with a few, but his favorite is pain

-On the kink scale, he's a 7/10

that's all ^^

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