Chapter 3

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When the officers saw me trying to go back under the teacher's desk, they forced me to the ground, they put me into handcuffs, they brought me to my feet, and then they patted me down. 

"I'm a student. I saw the gunmen take other students outside. They are getting held hostage by the gunmen," I told the officers. "I was left behind, only because the gunmen didn't see me underneath the teacher's desk. I didn't want to get out from underneath the teacher's desk, and get killed." 

They looked at each other, and once they took the handcuffs off, I was escorted outside of the school. There was nobody in the hallways, besides the police. The police had radioed all of the other officers that were outside. Once I got out of the school, there were police all over the place, and that the military was at the school. The police brought me to the arena, where parents were told to meet to be reunited with their children. When I got there, I didn't see my parents, and I just stood there. 

As I continued to stand there, I still continued to look for my parents, and I still continued to not to see them. 

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