Body on Somerton Beach

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It was December 1948 whilst i was walking along Somerton Beach in Adelaide Australia. when i saw a body laying on the side of the beach, it was a middle aged man wearing a suit with polished shoes and his head was slumped against a wall. No blood on him, he actually looked like he had a good life with money and luxury. But i obviously called the authorities but when they came they searched the body and contacted the hospital and looked through the body, checking for any wounds.

They came back to me with the information of the cause of death was heart failure or more likely poisoning but, no trace of poison was found in the body... they said that here wasn't a wallet or any type of identification on the man and all the tags from his clothing were cut out. The fingerprints that the authorities took of him were also unidentifiable. They even put a photo of the body in the newspapers and still, no one could identify who the man was. Four months later after the body was found, detectives found a hidden pocket that was sewn on the inside of his trousers. Inside the pocket was a rolled-up piece of paper from a rare book called the Rubáiyát. The piece of paper had the words "Tamám Shud" on it which means "it has ended."

authorities decide to bury the Man without identification but eight months later, a man walked into the police station. He claimed that just after the body was found, he found a copy of the Rubáiyát in the back of his car that he kept parked near Somerton Beach. He thought nothing of it until he read about the search in a newspaper article. Sure enough, the book had a part of the final page that was torn and it matched the piece of paper that was found in the Somerton Man's trousers. Inside the book were a phone number and some sort of strange code. 

The phone number led the authorities to a woman named Jessica Thompson who lived nearby. During her interview, she was very evasive and even claimed she was going to faint when she saw the bust of the Somerton Man but denied knowing him. However, she said she did sell the book to a man named Alfred Boxall. Unfortunately, Alfred Boxall was still very much alive at the time and still had the copy of the Rubáiyát that Jessica had sold him. The code that was found ended up being even more unhelpful and as of today, it has still yet to be cracked.

Jessica has reported in strange banging sounds at night and figures outside her window, even seeing a face right up against the window but disappears into the darkness. she was soon diagnosed with psychosis and sent to a mental hospital... she was found dead after 2 months with no injuries, and the authorities said it was the same cause of the body on the beach. 

some people think it was suicide and others think it was the un-named man...

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