The Ghost Ship of the Mary Celeste

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On Dec. 4, 1872, a British-American ship called The Mary Celeste was found abandoned and floating in the Atlantic ocean. It was found to be perfectly seaworthy and with its cargo fully intact, except for a lifeboat, which it appeared had been boarded in an orderly fashion. But why? We may never know because no one on board was ever heard from again.

The Mary Celeste set sail from New York bound for Genoa, Italy in November 1872. The ship was manned by Captain Benjamin Briggs and seven crew members, including Briggs' wife and their 2-year-old daughter. Supplies on board were set to last for six months, and there were luxurious items on board including a sewing machine and an upright piano. Historians and commentators generally agree that to abandon such a worthy ship, some extraordinary and alarming circumstances must have arisen. However, the last entry on the ship's daily log reveals nothing unusual, and inside the ship, all appeared to be in order.

Conspiracy theories over the years have included mutiny, attack, and even a giant octopus or sea monster attack. However, the cause behind this ghost ship remains unsolved.

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