Vying Flyers (Male Reader x Imelda Reyes)

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Highwing spent the reminder of the night soaring through the skies, while I took a long-needed rest after the draining and yet enticing experience of saying goodbye to Poppy and Natty...

By the next morning, I woke up to the feeling of Highwing slowly descending out of the clear clouds, and soon I begin to see some distant islands in the far beyond the large body of water-

Once we got close enough to a nearby shore, the tired white feathered hippogriff quickly allows me to get off before heading into the fresh waters-

After giving Highwing a few minutes to relax, I respectfully approach the hippogriff before opening my nab-sack, allowing the creature to enter the enchanted bag once again-

I then proceed to carry my luggage deeper into the isle as in the distance, the town of Holyhead can barely be seen as the sun rises to begin a long and sweaty day.
Since I don't exactly know how the magical community exists within the town of Holyhead, it's best to explore the community as normally as possible, unfortunately meaning I can't apparate, so it takes me about four hours to get there by foot-

Once I get past the large embankment connecting Holyhead Isle to the main island of Anglesey, I find myself in the middle of a large town which doesn't seem to consist of any sort of magical community-

This must be like London and Diagon Alley- somewhere in Holyhead there must be a way to access the Wizarding world.

After a few hours wandering around the town, I spot a group of people wearing strange cloaks head into the Holyhead market hall-

Upon entering, for a split second I see someone walk through a wall in the backrooms which most don't take notice of-

I immediately make my way over and cross through the enchanted barrier which takes me to a path of roads leading to a whole other set of buildings which sport more magical designs, mainly with all the banners and posters covering Quidditch-

Like with Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade, the large secret settlement of Holyhead seems to consist of many shops, homes and even has its own Gringotts-

Imelda said to meet her at the local pub... but which one?

After thoroughly checking the muggle side, it must be here somewhere-

It doesn't take long before I stumble into an establishment called the Bludger's Bar-

There I find various Quidditch players, fans, former players and even a couple of others who just arrived for a quick meal-

At one of the corner booths, I find Imelda Reyes lounging back and enjoying a few glasses of ale by herself looking somewhat annoyed for hopefully a reason not involving me-

Once I get close enough for her to see, I'm quickly proven wrong.

"Look who it is-! Anon- get lost on your way-? I'm sure Africa was nice this last month since I've asked for your assistance!"
Ismelda immediately snaps at me-

I look away before sheepishly replying,
"Hi Imelda-"

"Hi-?! I haven't seen you in nearly a full year and all you have to say is hi?!" The former Slytherin captain shouts, drawing some eyes from around the pub before she grumbles,
"Sit down Anon..."

My eyes narrow upon taking note of the amount of ale at her table,
"You've been drinking a lot for someone who wants to get with the best Quidditch teams."

Imelda rolls her eyes as she nudges the mostly empty glasses away,
"Who says all of those are for me? I've been here for over a month- every now and then I come across some pleasant company-"

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