The Doomspell Tournament Part II (Male Reader x Samantha Dale)

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"Tired already? Was last night too much for you, Anon?" Imelda calls out teasingly as I catch my breath after spending the early morning going on a three-mile hike around the nearby mountainside-

I take a few moments to breathe before managing to meet back up with the smug looking former Slytherin, "Of course not- I'm just saving my energy for whatever challenge we're going to face later today, that's all-"

Imelda rolls her eyes cheekily while wiping some sweat off her forehead,
"I'm not worried about your performance- I'm more concerned about theirs."

Right on cue, both Grace and Nerida come stumbling behind us into the town picnic area, managing to make it to the shade covered tables before collapsing both looking absolutely exhausted-

As I eagerly gulp down a bottle of water, Imelda stands over my fellow teammates,
"And what exactly is you're excuses? Your exactly five minutes slower than us! Imagine if the next task is a race! Or fast paced game!"

While Grace looks down defeatedly, Nerida looks up at Imelda bitterly,
"I'm sorry that we all can't be as skilled at everything like you Reyes!"

Grace then quietly adds, "Aren't you the only one from our team to fail the first task?"

Imelda lets out an agitated sigh, "I can't help it if the task was put to chance- and are you forgetting that you practically begged for me to bring you onto my team for this tournament to begin with-?"

Nerida reluctantly nods as Grace almost desperately asks, "Ok we're sorry for not being as prepared as we should- can you give us some food and water already-?"

Imelda thinks for a second before pulling out a bottle filled with a milky, almost pearly colored liquid,
"I got something even better- a little concoction of mine."

While Nerida and I stare at the strange beverage, Grace opens points out,
"I think I've heard about something like this- back in ancient Greek times, the Olympic athletes used to consume some sort of muggle potion called a health shake."

Imelda carefully shakes the decently sized container, "I suppose that sort of fits what this is- instead of wasting time on breakfast, I drink this- it might taste a little odd, but its better grub than whatever the others are getting."

Nerida looks over at the other two houses enjoying a nice sunny-side egg meal with French toast,
"Are you sure we can't-?"

"If you want to skip breakfast, that's fine with me- it never hurts to lose a little weight-"
Imelda then pours herself a cup before chugging it down effortlessly while staring at me almost teasingly-

That strange health shake's color almost looks like my-

Before I could think any further on it, Imelda helps both Grace and Nerida get glassfuls of the drink, with both expressing different expressions-

Nerida licks at her lips with confusion, "Is there salt in this-? This tastes a little bitter-"

Grace eyes widen as she drinks up the rest of the cup, "This stuff is brilliant! I didn't think a drink could be as filling as food! What's your secret to making this?"

Imelda waves a hand effortlessly, "Oh nothing, just some milk, eggs, vanilla, Greek yogurt and a new secret ingredient of mine-"

Nerida looks at her half-empty cup suspiciously, "What secret ingredient-?"

"If I told you, it would not be so secret, would it? I'm sure you figured out what it is Anon..."
Imelda giggles before turning to me eagerly,
"How about it? Want to have some-?"

I quickly wave my hands, "I- really shouldn't- I..I'm saving my appetite for later."

Imelda shrugs slyly, "Ok your loss- more of you for me-!"

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