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Alara squirmed under his intense gaze. Unlike her brother, who thrived on attention, Alara craved normalcy. Her parents' favoritism toward her brother and her friends' interest solely in him had left her feeling invisible. Yet, here she was, a captive, the center of this powerful man's attention. It was a bizarre mix of terrifying and strangely exhilarating.

"Well, my name is Alara," she began, her voice barely a whisper. "And I'm no super anything. My brother was the one with powers. Our parents used to say he inherited all the good genes, leaving me with just the looks." A faint blush crept up her cheeks as she confessed this personal detail to a stranger.

The king's expression softened, surprising her. "Alara, your parents weren't entirely accurate, but that's a story for another time. Please, continue."

Alara cleared her throat, taking a deep breath. "There's really not much to tell. Unlike my brother, I'm completely powerless. My blood rejects both Pathogen-V and -H." Her voice softened as she confided in this man she barely knew. "It might sound strange, but sometimes I wish I could be special too."

The king scoffed. "Don't downplay your abilities, Alara. I'm certain you have many, even if they aren't flashy displays of lightning or manipulating magnetic fields." He chuckled, a dark sound devoid of humor. "Take me for example. I'm madder than a hatter, courtesy of Pathogen-V. It scrambled my brain so much that I can't even remember my own name. And Pathogen-H? It warps minds too, but in a different way. Makes people sickeningly altruistic, to the point of derangement. So, consider yourself lucky you don't have that 'evolutionary' curse."

As he spoke of his powers, bolts of electricity crackled around him, harmlessly absorbed by the Faraday cage. A flicker of sadness crossed his features when he mentioned the pathogens. Despite his cruelty, Alara couldn't help but sense a longing for a time before the 'electric crown' transformed him.

"If you can't remember your name," Alara ventured carefully, "do you remember anything? Who you were before?"

The king's gaze dropped to his clenched fists. "Not much, honestly. I recall receiving a letter offering a hefty sum for participating in a scientific experiment. I must've been desperate for the money, but why? Debt? Bad circumstances? It doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that I became this… this monster. And the place where they did it to me, well, it's probably a ruin by now. Doubt you've ever heard of it, and even if you have, they certainly wouldn't tell you the whole truth."

Alara's heart ached for him, a strange sensation considering he was a villain who reveled in destruction. "Don't you have any family or friends who remember the person you were?" she asked softly as she carefully moved closer in an attempt to comfort the king.

A flicker of anger sparked in the king's eyes. He rose abruptly and put a significant distance between them. "Stay away from me," he growled, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "I did try to reconnect with loved ones, but this madness… it twists everything. It made me want to hurt them. Just like it makes me want to electrocute you right now, listen to you scream. But you're more valuable alive. Remember that."

With that chilling threat hanging in the air, the king stormed below deck, leaving Alara alone with the unsettling hum of the electric cage and a growing sense of unease about the man who held her captive.

Alara recognized the veiled threat in Rex's words, but she also couldn't ignore the underlying need she sensed in him, even if it was just to torment her brother.  For the next few days, Rex remained locked away in the bridge, working on something that remained a mystery to Alara. She dared not disturb him, and the nickname "Rex" had started to feel more natural than the impersonal "king."

Boredom gnawed at Alara one day, and she found herself rummaging through the boat's various containers.  A treasure trove of clothes and personal items confirmed her suspicion that the boat was stolen.  On the bright side, she unearthed a swimsuit that fit perfectly.  If she was stuck on this vessel, she figured she might as well soak up some sun – a tan she'd never had the time to acquire while buried in her studies.

The forward deck seemed like the most logical tanning spot, offering a decent view even with the bars partially obstructing the sun.  It also allowed Alara to keep an eye on Rex while he plotted whatever mischief fueled his madness.  The only unsettling aspect was the occasional prickling sensation of being watched.  Alara would glance up towards the bridge, the only other occupied structure for miles, and sometimes catch Rex staring.  The moment their eyes met, though, he'd erupt in a crackle of electricity before quickly turning away.

Frankly, these stolen glances embarrassed Alara more than anything.  No one had ever truly looked at her twice, except maybe as a means to an end – a way to get closer to her brother or a study buddy.  This swimsuit wasn't even a skimpy bikini that flaunted her lack of curves. It was a simple one-piece, more colorful than the basic white she was used to, but hardly provocative.

As Alara lay there basking in the sun, trying to ignore Rex's strangely alluring gazes, her thoughts drifted back to the monotonous routine of high school.   She should have been a sophomore, but her advanced intellect allowed her to skip a grade.  She could have skipped even further, but the bullying she'd endured in junior year was enough.  The thought of the taunts and social isolation she'd face as a senior, or worse, a college freshman, was unbearable.  Yet, she missed the classes, even the fake friendships.  At least those people had attempted conversation and pretended to enjoy her company.  Rex, on the other hand, barely spoke to her, and the air crackled with tension whenever they were in the same space.

The bridge door slammed open with a bang, and a furious Rex stormed onto the deck towards Alara, who was peacefully relaxing.  "Put some clothes on!" he roared.  "I can't take looking at your half-naked body for another minute!  That damn swimsuit is driving me crazy!  Cover up before I incinerate it!"

Alara rolled her eyes but stood up, defiance burning in her bright blue eyes.  "Go ahead, coward," she challenged.  "I don't think you will.  Why are you even keeping me here? Just let me go!"  Her frustration mirrored Rex's.

Rex let out a guttural scream, his rage unleashing a torrent of electricity that caused lightning to erupt from him and lifted the boat partially out of the water.  He regained control just as quickly, the vessel crashing back down.  He ran a hand through his hair in frustration before grabbing Alara by the hips and pulling her into a sudden, surprising kiss.

Alara was stunned.  Initially, she tried to resist, but something about the unexpected touch ignited a spark within her.  She found herself melting into the kiss, deepening it instinctively until she felt a surge of energy building within Rex.  She gasped as he pushed her back onto the deck chair, then watched in astonishment as he flung himself at the Faraday cage.  He grasped the metal bars with a death grip, unleashing a torrent of power that could have fueled a city until an explosion was heard in the engine compartment.

"Damn it!" Rex roared, stomping towards the engine compartment. "Get some clothes on before I fix whatever broke down in there, or I'll fry you with more energy than that cage can handle!" He disappeared below deck, leaving Alara flustered.

She pressed a hand to her lips, her cheeks burning.  Rushing into her quarters, she threw on the first clothes she could find – a mismatched mess that did little to hide her fluster.

Nearly an hour later, a filthy Rex emerged from the engine room. "We can limp to shore," he announced, his voice gruff. "But repairs will be tough. Parts are needed for both the battery and engine." He wiped grime off his face with a rag, then noticed Alara's attire. "Clothes, good. But seriously? You look ridiculous."

Alara rolled her eyes, looking away. "I wasn't sure how long you'd be gone, so I just threw on whatever fit, jerk. And what was that kiss about, anyway? How old are you, like twenty-five?"

Rex's jaw clenched.  He turned away, but Alara saw a flicker of something in his eyes – embarrassment, maybe?

"I'm twenty-two," he muttered. "And that kiss… well, it was your fault for flaunting yourself in that swimsuit.  Almost fried you then and there."

He stalked past her towards the cabin.  "Stay away from me, Alara. I mean it."

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