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"Rex, stop! I..." Her laughter trailed off into a squeak.

He relented at her plea, hovering over her with a devilish grin. "Only because you begged," he murmured, his voice a caress.

Alara, breathless, reached for him, pulling him into a deep, hungry kiss. This wasn't mere affection; it was a reaffirmation of their bond, a shared thirst for power and control.

They broke apart, chests heaving. "I love you, Rex," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

His eyes burned with a possessive glint. "And you, ma chérie, are mine. Every kiss, every act of devotion, belongs to me."

Rex's kiss was electric, leaving Alara breathless. When she finally pulled away, her face flushed, she confessed, "I love you, Rex."
"And I, you, mon chere," he replied, his voice husky. "But rest is calling. Why don't you head out to the dock and make some calls? I know you've been cooped up. Catch up with your family, whoever you like. Just a yell if you need anything."

Alara, her heart brimming with a newfound affection for Rex, readily agreed. She dug through her worn clothes for her phone, a thrill shooting through her as she finally held it in her hand.

Freedom. A chance to connect with the world she'd left behind. On the dock, phone pressed to her ear, she dialed the number she'd yearned to call – her mother's.

The answer was immediate, laced with panic. "Hello? Sweetie? Is that you? Are you okay? That monster hasn't hurt you, has he?"

Alara flinched at the word "monster." "Yes, Mom, I'm okay. And he's not a monster—"

Her mother cut her off. "Thank goodness! But darling, did you just say 'not a monster'? He destroyed our city, Alara! Kidnapped you!"

Alara took a deep breath. "Yes, Mom, I remember, and his name is rex. Don't you remember what the news said about Pathogen-V? It makes them… volatile. He doesn't enjoy it. At least, when it's not clouding his mind."

Silence stretched on the other end. Finally, her mother spoke, her voice trembling. "Alara, I don't know what this 'Rex' has told you, but if you need help…"

"Mom, I'm fine," Alara interrupted, her own voice rising slightly. "I care about Rex. He's taken care of me, and…" Her voice trailed off. Could she really say "I love him" to her mother, knowing how Rex was perceived by the world?
Taking another deep breath, she changed the subject. "How's Penny?"

A sigh escaped her mother's lips. "She misses you terribly, Alara. But we'll talk more later. Do you want to speak to her?"

Alara hesitated. This conversation had taken a turn she hadn't anticipated. A pang of guilt stabbed at her. Rex, the man who'd "kidnapped" her, had shown her affection. But was it real, or a twisted byproduct of the pathogen? And what about the love she felt for him? Was it genuine, or Stockholm syndrome as her mother had suggested?
With trembling hands, Alara whispered, "Y-yes. I'd like to speak to her."

A muffled noise, then a hesitant "Hello?" pierced the phone's speaker. Alara choked back a sob. It was Penny.

"Hey Penny, it's your big sis. Just calling to say I'm okay. And guess what? I found myself a king," Alara said, her voice thick with emotion. "A very special king – the King of Lightning."

Silence. Then, a squeal of delight. "Really? Is he handsome? Does he have a castle?"
Alara chuckled, the sound laced with a hint of sadness. "Yes, he's incredibly handsome. But no, no castle or riches. He's a wandering king. Doesn't need such things. His power makes him a ruler all on its own."

“Do you think I'll find a king?” Asked Penny an excited chatter filling the phone, pulling a smile onto Alara's lips. But the smile didn't reach her eyes. Penny's innocent joy was a stark contrast to the turmoil churning within her.

"I'm sure you will too, Penny," Alara managed, her voice strained. "Hey, I gotta go. My king needs his queen."

A brief exchange of hands was heard, then her mother's voice. "Alara?"

"I'm still here, Mom. But I gotta run. Need to restock before we head out again. I'll call when I can."

"Okay, sweetie. We love you. Please be careful." Her mother's voice wavered on the last word.

"Love you guys too, bye." Alara ended the call, a hollow ache settling in her chest.

She walked back to the boat, finding Rex basking on the couch. He looked up, a questioning glint in his eyes.

"That was fast," he rumbled. "Expected you to chat for hours, catching up."

Alara buried her face in his neck, tears pricking her eyes. "Just wanted them to know I'm okay. Now everyone they know will know too. More than I'd like, but that's mothers for you."

A flicker of frustration crossed Rex's face. "I'd love to meet your parents, assure them of my intentions."

Alara shook her head, a single tear tracing a path down her cheek. "They'd see you, Rex. And then everyone would know your face. Your mission…"

"Doesn't matter," he cut in, pulling her close. "I'd face the world to prove myself worthy of you."

Alara's heart pounded against her chest, a confusing mix of fear and longing swirling within her. Rex's words were sweet, his touch a source of comfort. But a nagging doubt remained.

Was this love, or Stockholm syndrome as her mother had suggested? Could her feelings be real, given Rex's destructive path?
She snuggled closer, seeking solace in his embrace, the answer lost in the tangled mess of her emotions.

A minute ticked by. Rex, ever restless, nudged Alara gently. "Awake, mon cheri? We need supplies. I have a lead on the next compound, and likely, their resident villain and hero."
Alara stirred, drowsiness clinging to her voice. "So comfortable next to you," she mumbled, nuzzling into his chest. "Safe. Like a grounding rod in a storm." She sighed, a tremor of anxiety running through her. "When you're gone, it's like I'm… charged with worry. But with you, it all just… dissipates."

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