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Rex finally pulled away, his voice rough. "The dress is fine, Alara. It's me who's not. Now, listen up. This isn't some sightseeing trip. We need food, clothes, and parts for the boat. And you're not leaving my side. Understood?"

Alara bit her lip, torn between her fear and the strange yearning she felt for Rex. "Yes," she whispered, reaching up to touch his cheek.  "I know I'm a pain. Why would I want to make things harder for you?"

Rex took her hand gently and pulled it away, guiding her towards the dock.  Alara stopped suddenly.  "Wait! What about you? Won't people recognize you if you leave the Faraday cage?"

Rex smirked.  He unbuttoned his trench coat, revealing a layer of strange mesh fabric beneath.  "This coat has a built-in cage. Not exactly comfortable, but it masks my electrical signals. Now let's hurry.”

Alara sighed in relief, intertwining her fingers with Rex's as she slipped her arm through his.  They looked more like an oddly dressed couple than a captor and his captive, but as long as no one recognized Alara, Rex didn't care.  

As they strolled through the unfamiliar streets, a sudden realization struck Alara.  Despite ransacking the boat, she hadn't found any money.  "Rex," she began hesitantly, "are you planning to steal everything we need? Wouldn't that attract attention?"

Rex glanced around nervously. "Yes, it would. But I only need to steal one thing – money."  He turned a corner, leading them towards an ATM.  Letting go of Alara's hand, he pulled out a spray paint can and quickly obscured the security camera.  Then, he pressed his hand against the machine, channeling his energy until it started spitting out cash.

Rex knelt and stuffed the bills into his trench coat pockets.  "Alright," he announced, straightening up.  "Now for boat parts, and then you can get some new clothes."

The thought of trying on clothes with Rex sent a blush creeping up Alara's cheeks.  She could already picture teasing him, knowing he wouldn't dare cause a scene – not when he was a notorious villain who'd kidnapped the hero's sister.  Of course, no one outside their family knew he was her brother.

A soft giggle escaped Alara's lips.  The image of introducing Rex as her boyfriend to her family brought a smile to her face, but it was quickly followed by a pang of sadness.  She knew, with a heavy heart, that it was a fantasy.  It was either her family and her old life, or whatever future she could build with Rex.  A future that would forever be on the run, tainted by the crimes he was forced to commit to control the ever-present madness. 

Rex wrapped an arm around Alara's waist, pulling her close. "Lost in thought, are we?  Remember, sweetheart, running won't solve anything.  Besides," he added, leaning down for a quick kiss, "you're more fun to have around."

The kiss sent a jolt through Alara, momentarily pushing aside her worries about the future.  "Don't worry," she murmured, leaning into his chest. "I'm not going anywhere." 

Rex consulted with a few locals and secured the address of a boat repair shop.  Inside, he explained the issue, fabricating a story about a lightning strike.  He paid for the parts with their stolen cash.

"Alright, new clothes for you," Rex announced, his voice clipped.  "Hopefully you know your size. We don't have much time before sunset, and I'd like to be back on the water."

Alara nodded silently, the weight of their situation pressing down on her.  They entered a strip mall lined with clothing stores.  Rex seemed utterly lost in this environment, so Alara took charge, browsing the racks and selecting clothes she knew would fit.

Finally, she emerged from a store holding a blue dress. It clung to her curves, stopping mid-thigh and showing a generous amount of leg. "Hold this for a second, would you, please?  I just need to try it on." 

Rex let out a frustrated growl but held the clothes as Alara disappeared into a fitting room.  When she stepped out a moment later, he was speechless.  She looked stunning.

"So?" Alara asked, twirling slightly to show off the dress. "A little tight, but I can manage."

Rex cleared his throat. "Fine, yeah, it looks good.  Now hurry up."  His voice betrayed a hint of strain.

Alara couldn't help but giggle, enjoying the effect she had on him.  She slipped back into the fitting room, but as she bent to pick up her discarded clothes, the door swung open, revealing a glimpse of her unclothed form to Rex.

A dark flush crept up Rex's neck.  When Alara came out of the fitting room Rex leaned down, keeping his voice low. "Why aren't you wearing anything underneath?"

Alara's cheeks burned with embarrassment. "How did you know?"

"The door wasn't shut all the way," he muttered.  "Look, I can handle your affection, even if it's a bit… much sometimes.  But you can't expect me to be a saint if you do things like that."

His words only intensified Alara's blush. "I don't have a choice," she mumbled. "There's nothing on the boat that fits me.  Honestly, do you think I *want* to walk around like this?"  Her voice cracked slightly.

Rex sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Fine, alright.  But from now on, a little more discretion, please.  Unless you enjoy facing the consequences."  His tone was gruff, but the real anger seemed to have faded. 

Alara clung to Rex's arm as he paid for the clothes.  Together, they walked back to the boat under the cloak of twilight, the deserted streets adding to the tense atmosphere.

"Rex," Alara began hesitantly, "about how long are you planning to keep me… here? You promised my brother you'd let me go if he didn't follow us.  It's been three days, and there's no sign of him."

Rex stopped walking and sighed. "Yes, that was the deal. But things have changed, Alara."  He shot her a dark look.  "Frankly, you should consider yourself lucky I haven't lost my temper yet.  Not that you haven't been pushing your buttons."

Alara's brow furrowed.  "What do you mean, things have changed?  And why would I be lucky?"  A knot of fear tightened in her stomach as they approached the abandoned dock. 

Suddenly, Alara spotted a note hanging from the metal bar securing the Faraday cage.  Her eyes widened as she read it.

"Well, come on, spill it," Rex barked impatiently.  "What does that note say?  Left by your precious brother, I presume?"

Alara slowly turned the note, revealing a single, chilling sentence scrawled in bold letters: "Stay away from my sister." 

Rex opened the cage door and stepped back onto the boat. "Figured as much," he muttered.  "Earlier, when I said you should be lucky, I meant your brother keeps following us. Probably watching every move we make, even…"  A dark chuckle escaped him as he placed the clothes on the bunk.

Alara's temper flared.  Slamming the cage shut, she stormed after Rex into the cabin.  "Is that why you kissed me?  Why you pretended to care?  Just to mess with him?"  Her voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt.

Rex's jaw clenched.  He stalked towards her, his voice low and dangerous.  "If that's what you believe, then fine.  But look at me, Alara.  Tell me this isn't real."  He cupped her face, his touch sending shivers down her spine.  Before she could answer, he hoisted her against the wall, his kiss both passionate and possessive.

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