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"Well, if we're heading to land, I'm coming with you," Alara declared, her voice laced with defiance.

Rex stopped short, a cool tone replacing his anger. "No. You're a liability. You might try to escape or tell someone who I am."

Alara scoffed.  "Why would I run away from my dear brother Rex? Especially after you so kindly whisked me away on your lovely boat for a family visit up north?" Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she leaned against the doorway, watching him search for a shirt.

A growl rumbled in Rex's chest, a spark of electricity dancing around his fingertips. "Don't call me that," he warned.

He pulled on a shirt, and then a smirk played on his lips. "And are you trying to play some twisted game, Alara? That kiss you supposedly hated – I felt you respond to it. You enjoyed the power, didn't you?  From your story the other day, it sounded like no one's ever made a move on you."

He stalked towards her, his gaze intense. Alara felt a shiver run down her spine, a mixture of fear and something else she couldn't quite define.

He stopped mere inches away, his breath warm on her skin.  Alara leaned in instinctively, but Rex surprised her. He gently placed a kiss on her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

"Why do you do this to me, Rex?" Alara moaned, her voice barely a whisper.  "Why does it feel so good?"

Rex pulled away, his voice husky. "It's the power, the stimulation.  That's how I felt every time I saw you lying there, looking so innocent… so beautiful.  But also so killable." His voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. "I've thought about doing terrible things to you, Alara. Things that would bring you pleasure, and…"  He squeezed her throat gently, his eyes hardening, "things that would bring you unbearable pain."

Alara gasped, fear battling with the strange pull she felt toward Rex. He released her and strode towards the bridge, leaving Alara breathless and utterly confused.

Alara leaned against the wall, gasping for breath. Rex's confusing mixture of affection and violence left her reeling.  He was a mystery, yet she couldn't deny the pull she felt towards him. Every touch sent jolts of electricity through her, a stark contrast to the invisibility she felt back home.  A smirk played on her lips. Maybe the swimsuit wasn't such a bad idea after all.

With newfound determination, Alara slipped back into the swimsuit and walked towards the bridge.  Taking a deep breath, she steeled her nerves and pushed open the door.

Inside, Rex wrestled with the engine controls, his frustration evident. He growled when the door creaked open, not bothering to glance back. "What, Alara? I told you this is off-limits.  One transgression I can forgive, but don't push your luck."  His voice crackled with barely contained anger.

Ignoring his warning, Alara approached him slowly.  Hesitantly, she reached out and placed a gentle hand over his. "I'm just curious," she began softly, "how much longer until we reach land? Besides, after what happened earlier, I don't think you'd actually hurt me. You might be capable of it, but… I don't believe you would.  If I get hurt, it's because I chose to trust you. Maybe it's foolish, but for the first time in a long time, I'm following my heart."

Alara's sincerity seemed to disarm him momentarily. He flinched as she pulled his hand away from the control panel, a flicker of something akin to fear in his eyes.  She slipped into the space between him and the wheel, her body pressed against his.

Rex stared straight ahead, jaw clenched, clearly fighting the urge to look down at her.  Unfazed, Alara leaned up, wrapping an arm around his neck. She planted a soft kiss on his cheek, a teasing smile playing on her lips as the familiar tingle danced through her veins.

A slow breath escaped Rex's lips.  He cautiously placed a hand on the small of her back, pulling her closer. "You're playing a dangerous game, darling," he murmured, the nickname a sweet surprise that sent another jolt of energy through Alara.

"Actually," she countered, planting another quick kiss on his cheek, "I think I'm playing with lightning.  The King of Lightning, no less."

With a playful wink, she released him but remained close.  "Now, why don't you try starting the engine again?"  She nudged his hand towards the key.

Slowly, Rex turned the key, and with the unexpected surge from Alara, the engine roared to life.  He sighed, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "You're an absolute menace, Alara. But a few hours, that's all."

"Just a few hours," she echoed cheerfully.  Although disappointed by his desire for space, she understood his instability.  With a pout, she left the bridge.  However, she wasn't ready to give up completely.  Instead, she strategically turned the lounge chair to face the bridge before settling down, hoping to entice him to focus on something besides the potential danger she presented.

Rex steered the boat towards a deserted dock in the town's shipyard and shut down the engine.  He approached Alara, who was lounging on the deck, and gently nudged her awake with a kiss on her neck, sending a pleasurable tingle through her.

Alara stirred, wrapping an arm around Rex's neck and pulling him closer.  He chuckled softly. "Alara, time to wake up. We've reached land. Want to join me for a walk?"  He brushed a strand of hair off her face.

Alara frowned as she opened her eyes. "I had a nice dream. Couldn't you have let me sleep a little longer?"  Her voice was laced with a hint of disappointment.

Rex chuckled again. "Maybe, but trust isn't exactly your strong suit, is it, Alara?  Despite yours in me."  He lifted her gently in his arms and carried her down to the cabin.

"Get dressed," he instructed, setting her down. "Find something that's a little less… conspicuous.  I'll wait for you on deck."  He grazed her neck with another kiss, this one stronger, sending a jolt of energy that made her yelp.

"Ow! Rex, I'm awake, I get it!"  Alara rubbed her neck playfully. "No peeking, okay?"

Rex rolled his eyes and headed up the stairs, giving her privacy.

Ten minutes passed.  Rex paced impatiently.  What was taking her so long?  There were only so many clothes on this boat.

"The day is getting shorter, Alara," he called down, his voice laced with a hint of irritation. "And so is my patience.  Hurry up before I come down there myself."

Alara rolled her eyes as she put the finishing touches on her hair.  Her mother hadn't exactly schooled her in the art of hairstyling, but Alara had done her best.  She opened the cabin door and stepped onto the deck with a flourish.

"Don't get your wires crossed," she announced, striking a pose. "I just wanted to look a little less like a hostage and a little more like…" she trailed off, searching for the right words, "like someone who enjoys your company."

Rex was speechless for a moment.  Alara had transformed herself.  Gone was the swimsuit; in its place, a flowing yellow sundress adorned with a white cardigan.  She'd even managed to tame her hair into something resembling order.

A wave of desire washed over Rex, quickly followed by a surge of his usual anger.  It was a confusing mix that left him speechless.

Alara blushed under his intense gaze. "If it's not… appropriate," she stammered, "I can change. I promise I'll be quicker this time."

Before she could take another step, Rex grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss.  He tangled his fingers in her hair, battling the urge to do something incredibly destructive.  Alara, surprised at first, melted into the kiss.  It was the first time anyone had shown her affection like this and a thrill shot through her.

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