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I wasn't as shock to find a gift in my locker this time. A larger box that was wrapped in blue wrapping paper.

There was a note on the front, the same curly handwriting as last time.

Dear Y/n,
Thank you for accepting my gifts. I'm sorry for keeping who I am a secret, but I'm scared you'll hate me if I tell you. Here's a handmade gift to show you I'm serious about my feelings:)
From XXXX<3

There was no bracelet this time, no shiny silver or expensive looking gift. There was a flower, a pink one, hand-carved from wood. I know it wasn't as valuable, but a part of me appreciated this gift a little more than the first one.

I tried to see if I could recognize the handwriting, maybe I've seen it in one of my classes before. It was clear the person was changing their handwriting on purpose, an excessive amount of curling in the letters.

"Holy crap, they're in love with you." I hear a voice from over my shoulder, Donghyuck's. "Is this handmade?"

I hum in response, handing the box to him so he can see.

My so called secret admirer seemed to know me well. It's been a week now, letter after letter, gift after gift.

Dear Y/n,
You seemed frustrated today, here's some of your favourite candies to cheer you up.
From XXXX<3

Dear Y/n,
Good job on the math exam, I made you some cookies to congratulate you:)
From XXXX<3

Dear Y/n,
I watched your basketball practice today, you looked so cool. Maybe someday I can go and you'll know it's me who has feelings for you.
From XXXM <3

Dear Y/n,
I feel guilty. I feel like those middle aged catfish guys who shower teenager girls in gifts. I promise to tell you who I am once I get the courage.
From XXXM<3

The 'M' is what threw me off. At first I thought it was a mistake, but then it happened again. It was obviously the last letter of this persons name, or maybe nickname. Everyday I hoped to find a letter with the persons full name written at the bottom.

They knew what I liked, my favourite everything. Maybe they are close to me, maybe they are close with one of my friends, or maybe they are a creep who's been stalking me?

"Are you gonna put it on display and tell people it's from your ghost boyfriend?" Donghyuck teases, handing the box back to me.

I roll my eyes at him. "Stop making fun of me for having a crush. You'd have one too if you were receiving well thought gifts and cute letters."

"What if it's a girl? She might be disappointed to find out you like dick." Donghyuck chuckles, closing my locker door once I grabbed all my things.

"They've already sort of implied they are a dude. Plus, if they know so much about me, don't you think they'd already know I'm gay?" I furrow my eyebrows slightly.

Would it be that bad if it was a girl though? I've always considered myself gay, but if a girl had that personality and treated me like the person in the notes, it may not be that odd.

Donghyuck only scoffs playfully, smacking my ass with a grin. "Hurry up, Renjun needs us to help with decorations."


I know some of you are reading my other ongoing story as well, but for those who aren't I will now explain why I've been missing. Basically, on March 26th, my family and I lost our home to a fire, everyone is okay, but it's kind of a lot to deal with right now as we sort things out. I'm writing when I feel up to it, so I won't disappear, but I probably won't be updating very often either.

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