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I shut my eyes as I wait for his response. Why'd he have to call me now? May without a doubt isn't going to leave me alone now. I'll just have to make sure they don't know it's him on the phone.

"Leo!" He yells into the receiver, causing me to pull it away slightly.

"What the hell? You trying to make me go deaf!?"

"Sorry, Sorry," Beau chuckles on the other end. "I just wanted to call." I look over at Ian and May, who just smile at me silently. Two of a kind. I'm sure they definitely know it's him. There's no way they didn't just hear him nearly blowout my eardrum.

"Is there a reason for you to be calling me?" This entire situation is weird. We just met by chance again a few days ago. For all he knows, he could completely hate me now. People can change a lot in six years.

And it's not like you cared about me at all during those six years either.

"There's no reason." Beau answers, causing me to raise an eyebrow. Showing up out of nowhere, inviting himself to lunch, holding my hand unwarranted—this guy is such a mystery, and I really don't want to solve it.

"Okay then I'm hanging up. Goodbye." Just as I go to hang up, he scrambles for words.

"Hey, hey wait! Hold on a second. Don't be so cold." I roll my eyes.

"I'll give you ten seconds to tell me what you want. After that I'm hanging up." Beau just laughs, and it causes me to clench my jaw. Does he not take anything seriously? Why is everything so funny to this guy?

"I see you're still as cute as you were back then." I open my mouth to speak, but then close it. Back then, I probably would've shied away at his words, burned up at something so small. But right now, hearing him say that just makes me angry. I turn away from Ian and May, so that my back is facing them.

We're not kids anymore, and he has no idea how I felt when he left. How could he say things like that and act as if he didn't leave me all alone? I had no one and he disappeared without a trace when I needed him the most.

"Ten." I begin to countdown.

"Pushing me away will only make me wanna talk to you more." I sigh and ignore him.


"Eight." He plays along, and I pause before speaking again. I can only imagine the look of amusement on his face right now, and it enrages me.

"You're really still a fucking idiot." It's an effort not to scream it through the phone, but unfortunately, I have an audience.

"And you're really still stubborn." I hate how unbothered he sounds. He really doesn't take me seriously at all. I should expect this from him. I see he hasn't changed one bit.

"Seven." I continue.

"Let's have dinner." To that, I squeeze the bridge of my nose between my fingers, taking a deep breath. What on earth is he talking about? I have no interest in speaking to him whatsoever. It's his fault we even stopped talking to each other to begin with.

"Are you an idiot? Why would I go out to dinner with you? I haven't spoken to you in years. You haven't spoken to me in years, six years at that. Why don't you just leave me alone?" I sigh as I wait for a response.

"Isn't that the point?" I raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. "We haven't talked in years. You may not understand, but I think us meeting again like this is a sign." A sign? He really is being so fucking selfish.

I find my myself letting out a cold laugh. "Do you hear yourself? You should've just kept me out of your life. I've been happier that way, and I'm sure you-"

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