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Everything will be okay.

That's what he said that night just a week ago, resting his hand on mine so gently you'd think he swore I might break. I keep thinking about it, how it felt. To be touched by him again, to be comforted.

I don't know how I feel, especially after the conversation we had in his living room before that. I don't really want to think about it, but it's all that's been consuming my mind. On top of that, it's hard not to think about it when he's sitting right in front of me in this cafe.

"I personally think we should retaliate. Off with his head! Right?" Ian rambles, trying to plot a revenge on Trevor that none of us care to be a part of.

"I think we should let it be. It's not smart, and it's not worth our time. Just let him have his little tantrums and embarrass himself." Beau speaks, shutting the idea down immediately. I wonder if he knows Trevor as well as Trevor seems to know him.

"I heard him talking about it... Saying you were with Beau that day..."

He knew Beau, even if he didn't confirm it, Trevor knowing his name is enough to keep me wondering. It shouldn't make me so curious, but it does. I should just forget about it, since something more pressing is consuming my mind.

Since the night at Beau's apartment, Beau and I haven't spoken one word to one another about what happened with my mother, or about the conversation he and I never got to finish.

He knows my mother well enough. I'm sure he knows what things he can and can't bother me with, and my family is at the top of the list. But I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me that he hasn't tried to continue the conversation we had in the living room that night.

In just a week, somehow Beau and May have made their way into Ian and I's everyday lives. May had always come to join us from time to time, but she's now with us almost everyday since leaving Beau's apartment.

Without a doubt, it's to get closer to Beau.

"Ugh. You're boring. I don't like the idea of just letting it slide. He disrespected Leo to the highest extent." Ian whines.

"And I shut him up," I cut him off. "Let's just leave it alone." Ian looks at me and frowns before crossing his arms.

"If you say so." May puts a hand on his shoulder, squeezing slightly.

"Don't worry. You'll get him next time." I glare at her and she laughs. "Calm down, I won't get him fired up. I'm sure he knows when to back down." If only she knew.

They continue their conversation about Trevor, and their voices begin to trail off as I put my focus onto my phone. It's amazing how much my mother has been calling me. I'd say this is the most she's called me in one week than in the last five years combined.

Mom (10)

I look up from my phone and manage to lock eyes with Beau. He isn't smiling at all, which isn't like him. I'm sure he has a lot he wants to say, but I'm glad he understands that there are some things that I just don't want to talk about.

"It was impossible for me to even tell you-"

Just what was it that he was about to say?

I raise an eyebrow at him, and I'm surprised to notice him look away a bit too quickly. He crosses his arms, his attention now on May and Ian as he continues to converse with them, as if our eyes never met. What the hell?

"Hey, Leo. You okay?" I look in May's direction. It takes me a moment to register what she's saying. I must've been in my head longer than I thought.

Her attention is on my hand on the table, so I look down. I only just now realize that I've been digging my nail into my forefinger. She has a worried look on her face so I look away, putting my hand in my pocket.

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