Chapter 3: Bonds

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After stepping out of his room, Hit was ready for anything. He was quite disappointed when he was met with a narrow, dingy corridor, paint peeling from the walls in some places. Honestly, Hit felt like he had insulted his past opponents a little by walking out with his usual battle pose. "Why is it so..."

"Humble?", Mary finished for him.

"Not the word I would have used", a slightly repulsed Hit thought.

"Well, what with our village being rather small, and due to most of our working-age people moving to the labyrinth city, we have been struggling for quite some time. There aren't many of us left..." Mary deflated, looking depressed. Realising she had company, she put on a happy face. "We always try our best though!"

It seemed that the commotion drew some attention, as a few of the other inhabitants of the orphanage filtered into the hallway.

"Mama, who's that?" One of the children asked.

Mary turned to the little ones. "Oh, hello everyone! This is Hitch, he's finally woken up after such a long time."

A few voiced their surprise.




Mary put a hand on Hitch's shoulder. "Go on, say hi".

'Oh no. I'm not doing this.' Hit frowned at the little tykes, an intimidating aura somehow radiating from him.

All the youngsters shivered slightly. "He's scary..." The youngest hid behind a taller boy for safety.

"Now, now, everything's fine. He's just a little overwhelmed at the moment. We're going for a short walk, don't mind us." Mary attempted to lighten the mood.

"'kay", "okay", "have fun...". The small creatures gradually departed to find something else to gawk at.

Mary's grip on Hit's shoulder tightened slightly. "You were the oldest one here for quite some time Hitch. I'm afraid everyone who was around your age either left for work or adventure".

'So young. People must live harsh lives here', thought Hit.

Mary kneeled to hug an awkward Hit, who was still not used to such close contact. "You may not have had many friends, but know that I care for all the children here as if they were my own. You can always come to me if you need anything at all."

Hit was slightly awed at such a caring person, although he felt her kindness was wasted on him.

Mary suddenly got up and grasped Hit's hand. "Now, let's go on a little adventure!".

A surprised Hit was then led on a short and sweet tour of the building, consisting of a small kitchen and dining room; living quarters for the few remaining children; bathrooms; and play areas. All the staff members were quite surprised to see him.

Hit grew incredibly bored of the forgettable sights, until they finally reached the exit; his tour guide opened the door for him, letting in a cool breeze. "Well, you did say that you..." Mary then spoke in a forced monotone voice "must survey the outside."

Hit nearly cracked a smile, before walking out. "I sound nothing like that."

As Hit walked along, grit crunched beneath his feet. The wind swept through his hair and a yellow dwarf star shone brightly in the sky above. After Hit's vision adjusted, he could finally see the structures before him. Instinctually, eyes darted to any potential threats, as well as vantage points and exits; to be expected of someone of his profession. Small was the correct term for the hamlet that he was currently residing in; he could just about make out a few residences and a nearly barren marketplace. To his right, stood a large hall of sorts, and to the left a general store.

An Assassin's Adventure: The Great ConjunctionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora