18. Pillow talking (now)

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The sweat was pouring down his face. He was panting. God, he was hot when he was panting. More specifically, I loved the thought that I could make this man breathe like that.

I let my hands slide over his muscular back while I looked up into his eyes as he started down on me, looking so serious I couldn't help but smile.

"I love you", I said.

"I love you too, gorgeous."

He wasn't done with me yet, I knew. He had come inside of me but he was still hard, still inside. I kissed his wet face over and over until his panting calmed down, then switched to tracing his back with my fingernails. I loved feeling how his muscles came alive beneath my touch.

"It feels like you are part of my soul", I said.

His eyes filled with so much love when I said that, I had to hide my mouth behind my hand.

He clambered off of me, released himself. Then, he pulled me on top of him. I sunk myself down on him, hiding a little behind my hair.

"Don't be shy", he said. "Don't be shy for me, Izuna."

"Tobias", I whispered.

I didn't know what made me call him by his new name, but I did. It caused Tobirama to grin. He grabbed my hips and forced me down. I leaned my head back and moaned. Then, I started riding.

I let my body roll in wild waves above him while he explored every inch of me he could reach with his hands, including my dick. As I got just as sweaty as he was, he started masturbating me and I came for him, screaming as I jumped him.

Seeing me come was enough to make push him over the edge again, too, screaming my name.

He grabbed my face, pulled it down so my nose was to his.

"Never leave me", he begged. "Please."

"I loved you when you left and never stopped loving you. Not for eight years. I will never stop."

He kissed me. 



"You know... That night I saw you on stage, I had no idea I would. I didn't know who you were."

Tobirama smiled at me as he lay on his side in his bed. His hair was adorably tousled after the nap we had taken after the love-making, and I wondered if he felt as privileged seeing me in such a vulnerable situation as I felt seeing him in it.

"I could tell by how shocked you were."

I blushed.

"But, you know, I came home and googled you. And..." I hesitated, not wanting to come across as needy. "There were a lot of gossip about you and different women. Never a man. Are you... Bi? Straight? I guess what I'm trying to say is, could you be happy with me?"

I was afraid Tobirama would throw himself into an outburst of denial about the women, but to my relief, he didn't. Instead, he seemed to give my questions the thorough thought he seemed to think they deserved.

He answered. 

"Being famous is... difficult in many ways. I know I'm incredibly privileged. At the same time, can you imagine all the times you've walked next to a woman? Just walking next to one?" I nodded. "Pretty often, no?" I nodded again, because it was true. Every day at university, at work, on accident if I took a walk in Central Park... "When we're not famous, we don't think about it. Me, however..." He sighed, laid down on his back with his arms beneath his head. I cuddled on his chest, on the soft hair he had there that I found so painfully endearing. "Imagine someone taking a picture every time you walk next to a woman and making up you're in a relationship with them. That being said." He put his arms around me. "I have been with women. In fact..." He was quiet for a while. My heart was pounding. "I've only been with women before you."

I sat up and looked at him. What? Was he straight? He couldn't be, could he? He had just begged me to stay with him forever, hadn't he? And he was so... Like, he obviously knew what he was doing!

"I don't want to put any pressure on you, Izuna, but I felt like I was..." He blushed. For the first time, he blushed for me. "I guess I was saving myself for you. Even if I hid from you, I guess I somewhat hoped we would meet again. Expected it, in fact."

I leaned towards him, placed my lips dangerously close to his. I put my hand on his taut stomach, felt it ripple beneath the sensitive skin on my palms. He sat up on his elbows, gasping as my hand snaked down, down...

"What makes you think I would give you what you wanted?"

"Oh, I would never take you for granted", he said.

I kissed him.

He fucked me again. 

"I wanted to ask you something, gorgeous."

It was Sunday evening, and I sat at his big kitchen table as he stood at his kitchen island cooking for me. I had been right in my assumption that he was a good cook that I'd made after having looked into his fridge. He was currently frying onions and mushrooms and small tomatoes. To the side stood a carton of eggs, letting me know he was planning on making an omelette. He had pulled out some home-made focaccia from his freezer and was currently toasting it in his oven.

"Mhm?" I said.

"I loved having you as my assistant. Would you mind doing it again?"

I thought about it.

"Maybe some time. But honestly..." I leaned my chin on my hands, my elbows on the table looking dreamily into the far distance. Tobirama's large knitted sweater was wrapped cosily around me, but I longed for the real him. Although I didn't mind him being a slight distance away if that meant he was cooking for me. "I enjoyed last time so much, I kind of want to let it go, you know?"

Tobirama smiled at me.

"I was prepared you'd say something like that and that is entirely okay."

"But..." I said just as Tobirama cracked two eggs with one hand and poured them onto the fried vegetables. It smelled heavenly. "I expect first row tickets for your shows."

He grinned at me.

"Certainly, gorgeous."

In that moment, I felt so happy I thought I could burst.

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