Chapter 1: The Radio Demon

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Third Person POV: Lyney (10 years old)

"I gave her away. You can do your magic with a different assistant can't you?" The noble's words echoed in Lyney's ears, taunting and ridiculing him as he ran through the streets of Fontaine. His boots clicked as he came to a slow halt. The nearby lamppost flickered, as his hand grasped around the metal pole. His heart was pounding in his ears and his breathing came deep from within his chest. 

"Why? Why didn't I notice?" Lyney gasped, watching his tears fall on the cobblestone beneath him. "What kind of brother am I? I need to get her back, but how?"

The boy thought for a moment, thinking back to ways of getting power in Teyvat. Visions, which were gifted by the gods, Delusions which were man-made Visions, and a third option...Demons. Demons were dangerous creatures from Hell, that could grant you immense power, but at the cost of your soul. But Lyney was willing to try anything to save his siser. Even if it was a demon.

The pentagram he drew was sloppy and he wasn't exactly sure how to summon a demon, but he needed a powerful one. One strong enough to help him rescue Lynette. He took a deep breath and began to speak. 

"Demon of Hell, I command you, answer my call! I require your immense power to aid me! Arise powerful demon, arise and fulfill my desire!" Lyney shouted, holding his hand out over the pentagram. After he spoke, nothing happened at first. It was just silent. But then, a green flash of light enveloped the area, and when the smoke cleared, Lyney gazed upon a demon for the first time. 

The demon had short black and red hair with black deer antlers resting on top of his head, along with deer ears the same color as his hair. He wore a red suit and held a microphone staff in his hands. His eyes were a striking red, and Lyney felt his body tremble in fear. So this was a demon?

"Hello there, good fellow!" The demon said, giving the boy a wide grin. Lyney noticed his sharp teeth and took a step back. "I take it you're the one who summoned me?"

"Y-Yes." Lyney answered, watching the demon's grin grow even wider. "I need your help something, Monsieur..."

"Alastor, my dear boy." The Overlord finished his sentence. "And what exactly is requested of me?"

"My sister, Lynette...She was taken from me and I need to get her back!" Lyney explained. Alastor appeared uninterested, not even making eye contact with him anymore. "You...You can do whatever you want to anyone who gets in your way."

"Oh? How entertaining." Alastor was listening now, intrigued by a new form of entertainment. "Is that a deal then?" He held out his hand to the child as green light surrounded the two of them. 

"Deal." Lyney agreed, shaking hands with the demon. Alastor's eyes turned into radio dials as the green light intensified. Lyney swore he could hear someone scream as black shadows appeared from the ground. And as suddenly as everything appeared, it vanished from sight.

"Wonderful. Now then, do you have anything that belongs to your dear sister?" 

"Uh, I have this ribbon." Lyney handed the teal cloth to Alastor, who gripped it in his black and red gloved hands. "How is this going to help?"

"I can't find her unless I have something of hers, dear boy." The demon explained, as green flames and shadows began to cover his figure. 

"How will I know where to find you?" Lyney asked before the demon disappeared. 

"Follow the shadows, dear boy!" And just like that, Alastor was gone. 

"What does that even mean?" Lyney wondered aloud. Feeling a tap on his shoulder, he turned around to find one of Alastor's shadows. "Oh, he wants me to follow you?" The shadow grinned and began to move, and Lyney quickly chased after it. 

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