Chapter 5: A New Friend?

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For this story, Lumine rarely speaks aloud going off of the headcanon that the Traveler is selectively mute. So when Lumine speaks, she is actually signing.

Third Person POV: Alastor (7 years, 6 months after the deal)

Ever since he had given Lyney power, the boy was almost completely loyal to him. And through the boy, the demon had control of his sister and Freminet. Time was running out for the twins, and Alastor was so sure of victory he could almost taste it. 6 months left. Lyney did not appear worried about the deadline, instead focusing his energy on his magic shows. Currently, the magician was passing out magic pockets. Floating storage devices that would help save the Fontainians from their impending doom. Alastor was following him, acting as some kind of supervisor. Ever since the Knave left Fontaine, the Radio Demon was coming over to the House more and more, earning the trust of their siblings.

"Al, I'm almost done here. We should head to Lynette. She's at Romaritime Harbor, if I remember correctly." Lyney suggested, waiting to see what the demon would allow.

"Lead the way, my dear." Alastor said, letting Lyney take the lead. His eyes drifted to the Pyro Vision attached to his bow and laughed quietly to himself. He had gotten to Lyney before the gods. So much for the gods being omnipresent.

The duo made it to Romaritime Harbor and found Lynette speaking with two strangers. A golden haired female and a floating white thing. They were at the edge of the Harbor, peering into the water.

"Ah, I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting. Are you Lynette's new friends?" Lyney wondered, approaching the strangers. Alastor followed behind him curiously, humming. Lynette turned to face the two and a quick look of disdain graced her features before being replaced by her constant poker face. Alastor's grin grew larger, knowing she could not openly voice her dislike for him in public.

"Oh, and you are..." The white thing wondered.

"Thanks for looking after my sister, she often comes here to reminisce about our childhood, that's all. There's no need for any concern." Lyney finished his earlier thought to dispel any traces of concern. "Ah, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Lyney, and this is my sister Lynette." He gestured to his twin, who walked over. "And this here, is the most renowned radio host in all of Fontaine, Monsieur Alastor. If I had to guess, I'd say you must be travelers from abroad."

"Nice to meet you. Paimon's name is Paimon, and this is Lumine. We just arrived in Fontaine." The floating thing, now known as Paimon, said as Lumine waved with a smile. Paimon, huh? Perhaps she is a creature created from Paimon, one of the rulers of Hell under Lucifer. "We were just talking with your sister, uh...even though we didn't really get what she was saying."

"Hmm, I see. It's unusual for Lynette to be so willing to talk with anyone. In fact, she seldom speaks at all. I'm usually the only one she talks to outside the rest of our family and Alastor." Lyney told them, making his sister look down at the ground.

"Oh, really? Then you two are just like us! Paimon's always the one talking for some reason." Paimon realized, looking at her friend.

"There's hardly anything left for me to say with you around, Paimon. You always steal my lines." Lumine signed, her hand movements nice and slow so everyone present could understand her.

"Huh! So that's how you think it is?" Paimon exclaimed.

"I also think my brother can be too talkative at times." Lynette sighed, giving her brother a glare.

"And Mister Alastor, you probably talk a lot too, since you're a radio host." Paimon spoke.

"Yes, indeed, my dear. I suppose we are all quite similar." Alastor mused, making Paimon laugh sheepishly.

"So what did Lynette mean just now when she said that the water is engulfing your memories, and that it won't be long before it engulfs you too?" Paimon questioned. The prophecy. They were discussing the fate of Fontaine.

"Ah, that..." Lyney trailed off for a moment. "It's from a prophecy that's been circulating in Fontaine for quite some time now."

"That's actually what my broadcast for tonight will be covering." Alastor interrupted, earning him a nods from the group.

"Well, I suppose "prophecy" isn't exactly the right word, because that implies a certain amount of uncertainty. There's no doubt about what's happening in Fontaine now..." Lyney continued.

"What's happening in Fontaine?" Lumine inquired, tilting her head in curiosity. Lyney looked at the two travelers in silence for a moment before speaking.

"Ah, let's put that question on hold for a moment. We still haven't formally greeted each other yet, have we?" Lyney realized. Alastor knew what he was doing. Fontaine had a rule about floating objects, and Paimon could technically be considered a floating object. Lyney was going to attach a string to Paimon in order to connect her to Lumine.

"Uh, did the introduction earlier not count?" Paimon wondered, as the magician ignored her.

"Hello, Lumine." Lyney reached out his hand for her to shake.

"Hello, Lyney. It's a pleasure to meet you." Lumine told him, shaking his hand.

"And hello, Paimon." Lyney tapped her on the back lightly. Paimon's gaze fell on Alastor and the two made eye contact with one another. And a silent agreement was made. Don't interfere with the other's plans.

"Hey! Why didn't Paimon get a handshake? You're not poking fun at Paimon, are you!?" The creature exclaimed.

"Haha, please don't take offense. Just consider it a sort of etiquette we have here in Fontaine when making new friends. You should remember it, it might prove useful." Lyney informed her.

"Oh, alright then... well, Paimon's just happy to have local friends now." She cheered. "Oh by the way, we were just getting ready to go to the opera house to meet the Hydro Archon. Would you be able to show us the way?"

"So you're going to the opera house to see Lady Furina? No problem at all. In fact, I was planning to go to the opera house later myself. I'll gladly take you." Lyney agreed. "Maybe once you're done, you can go see Al's office."

"Really? We can be on the radio?" Paimon asked aloud.

"Why of course, dear Paimon." Alastor stated. "I've heard many talk of your exploits across Teyvat. It would be an honor to interview you." 

"Yay! Isn't this exciting Lumine? We could be famous!" Paimon declared.

"You just want mora." Lumine teased. As the group walked in the direction of the aquabus station, numerous gardes appeared, lining the Harbor. Champion Duelist Clorinde was also there, standing near the staircase.

"Uh, you said you were going to see Lady Furina? Well, it seems Lady Furina has come to see you." Lyney announced. Lady Furina, the woman Alastor hadn't met of his own volition. The Hydro Archon of Fontaine. The Hydro Archon waltzed into view, standing atop the railing overlooking the Harbor. 

"Huh!? So...she's the Hydro Archon? But how did she know we were looking for her?" Paimon whispered to Lumine, who was staring up at the Archon with an intense gaze. 

Then, Lady Furina cleared her throat and began to address her people.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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