New start

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This is the dorm lay out Ik it's big but it's a private college and I make this up so ya you are living in my imagination.


Here I am in front of the college I always wanted to go to,but I never imagined to be here alone I thought I was going to be with my dad but the universe had other plans and wanted my father to die.

i guess I have to give life another chance but I don't think it likes me very much.

As I went to my room I was a little hesitant because I don't want to give my roommate a bad impression sense I have to live with them from now on.

As much as I wanted Ella to be my roommate ,Ella didn't want to go to college so now I have to go alone.

Now I was here standing in front of my dorm but stopped because i heard a male voice inside but I thought I was going to get a girl roommate...

Ah I am just being paranoid it is probably their brother or boyfriend.

When I finally opened the door I saw there was only a guy inside,the dorm looked nice if I was being honest but it was probably because i got a scholarship at a private university.

But why was there only this guy here, he was on the phone talking in Italian, I don't know much Italian but I knew he was speaking it.

He looked at me weirdly before ending he call.

"Um by any chance do you know who lives here?" I asked the guy confused."yes me this is my dorm." He said with an eyebrow raised.

"But this is my dorm they said I have a girl roommate" I said confused"are you sure you don't have the wrong room?" He asked "this is room 97 right?"."yes but they probably made a mistake when they were giving out the dorm numbers"."ok then you have to come with me to the office because I don't know where it is."I said.

he said while sitting down on the couch "I can't right now I will just give them a call"."ok fine" I said while closing the door."come here let's see what wrong."

After the call we found out that they didn't make a mistake because there wasn't an equal amount of girls and boys on campus and they didn't have any other rooms give one of us, so now I have to be with this guy because of this issue.

I found out his name is Anas knight, I think I recognized that name from somewhere but i don't remember.

I am now in my room which is opposite to his, at least we had different rooms.

But I have to say this guy looks hot as fuck, and this is very rare coming from me.

I decided to call Ella and give her the news, she is probably going to be excited because she always asks if I have a crush or anything.

After the first ring she picks up the phone "omg hi did you make it there safely?" She asks"yes I did and why are you screaming?"I said smiling at her"I miss you!! tell me did anything happen? What is you roommates name?"she said, I sighed and told her about everything that happened, she was shocked that I had found some one attractive for some reason but after that she told me about this new guy she is sleeping with, then she had to go we said our good bye.

I look at the time to see its 7:30pm and I was hungry so I went out to see that Anas wasn't there,I decided to go get some groceries to get make something.

I am sorry if this chapter was short,
I hope you liked it, don't forget to vote.

Love hasti;)

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