Chapter 8

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I have to say rose is really something else.

Everyone in my family liked her, even my mom which is weird because she doesn't really like a lot of people.

Even though i hate to admit this but Rose look like an angel, her long shiny black hair moved flawlessly when she made a move, her blue eyes sparkling when she smiled, it made me feel something inside me that I don't want to feel.

She doesn't deserve me, she is too precious and perfect for me, i am a devil and she is an angel that has to be with me because she has no choice, but i don't feel guilty i am too selfish for that i want her for myself.

Which is scary because nobody has made me feel this way, the moment my enemies find out how I feel for her,they will use her against me but i am too selfish and i know i can protect her.

She was happy and smiling but not at me, at my family which makes me mad because why cant i be the one to make her happy and smile,she has never smiled at me.

From today i will make it a mission for me to make her smile.

Now that the dinner is over, we made our way to the kitchen and all sat down, i was next to rose and next her was amilia, i have noticed that they get along which is good,next to me is my dad who my mom is next to him, and alex is sitting at the end of the sofa.

My mom asked rose "rose have you started on any of the wedding planning"she asked.

Rose tensed up under my arm and then said "not really I don't know where to start."she answered.

"Great if won't mind i can help with the planning,i was a wedding planner for eight years before I stopped working."mom said.

"Of course i won't mind it will just make it easier on me."rose replied.

"Ok i will tell you when we can start we really don't have much time."mom said, I noticed rose really wasn't happy about talking about this so I changed the subject.

"Amilia how is that niece of mine?"i asked to change the subject.

"Oh she has been alright she finally stopped crying a lot at night but she really misses you."lia replied.

"That is true, she keeps on saying AA"alex added, she can't say my name so she just says AA it is the cutest thing.

"I will visit soon don't worry."I replied.

"Don't forget to bring rose with you."lia said.

"Ok ok but now we have to go it is getting late."i said.

"Rose why don't stay over?"my mom said.

"I have an exam on Monday,i have to study tomorrow."rose said.

"Oh alright then, i will message you soon about the planing."my mom said.

We all got up and said our goodbyes and then left, the car ride back was quiet,none of us said anything.

I decided to break the silence and said "my family really likes you even my mom which is surprising."

"Yea they are nice."she said and looked out the window, I could tell something was on her mind but said nothing.




We are on our way back from anases house and i have to say i had a good time despite not wanting to go.

None of them were like anas and they were all nice and treated me like there daughter.

I loved being there because it felt like they were my own family.

I hate to admit but i am really jealous of anas, he had both his parents who were amazing and his sister who i love as my own despite being my first time meeting her.

He had a loving family who had his back, while i have no more family, yes i do have distant family but we don't talk.

It is times like these i wish i still had my parents especially my dad, i am trying my best not to cry by thinking of ella.

She is my everything, my sister,best friend and soulmate, she made me realize that soulmates are not only romantic partners but also best friends.

Without her I would be nothing, I always say She's my moonlight in the night and my sunshine in the day.

She is the only i can rely on.

We finally got back to campus,anas walked me to the dorm and then left.

I took a shower, changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

I took a shower, changed into my pajamas and went to bed

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These are the pajamas.

(Just a reminder that you are beautiful and you many not fit the beauty standards in your area but somewhere out there, someone wants to look like you gorgeous.)

I opened my phone and message ella like I promised.

Rose:hey ella just got back the dinner was amazing and made it back safely, i am tired so i will tell you everything in the morning, i love you.

Them I turned of my phone and went to sleep because i was really tired.


Ok realize something anas is an arab name and anas is supposed to be Italian,so for anyone curious i will give an explanation in the story it will make sense.

Anyway here is the house layout of the mansion.

Anyway here is the house layout of the mansion

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Looks bad ik just wanted to give you an idea.

Don't forget to vote.

Love hasti <3

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