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I am soo sorry for the late update the reason is my Wattpad decided to delete my draft so now I have to write it again.. :)



Today is Saturday aka the night I have to meet his family, Anas hasn't been here since the last time we spoke and I am really grateful for that.

I need some time alone and i can't stand to look at him after what happened.

It is 11 am and I am still in bed, I decided it's finally time to get up and have some breakfast,I will not starve myself because of him.

I make my way to the kitchen and decide to make avocado toast.

I put some bread in the toaster and start mashing the avocado.

I make my avocado toast and decide to call Ella, I told her that me and Anas are dating because when it's time for the wedding she won't get suspicious.

I always told her that I won't date for a long time and get married before a year of dating because when most of the time when you keep on dating people for more then a year.

Most of the time it won't work out, I am not saying that every single relationship that is more than a year will fail.

I just think if you know you are meant for each other you will know quickly.

I call Ella and she picks up after a couple of seconds.

"Hey girly how are you?"she asks she seems out of breath.

"Good,what about you? What are you doing you sound out of breath?"

"Oh I am fine if you're fine and I just finished a work out with some friends."

"Look at you working out."I tease her.

"Oh come on just because I don't work out every day doesn't mean I never workout."

"I know I know, tell me what happened on your date?"

"He was a little bit of a mamas boy but his dic-"

"Stop I don't want to know about your sex experience."I interrupt her.

She laughed and said"ok miss virgin,now tell me how are things between you and anas."

"It's good I am meeting his parents tonight."I lied.

"Ekk I am soo excited for you tell me everything after ok?"

"Ofc I will."

We kept talking for about thirty minutes before I got a call form an unknown number.

I answered it thinking maybe it is the school.


"Rose it's me Anas be ready at 5:30pm I will pick you up we will go to my parents house and I already picked an outfit for you it is in my bedroom go there and wear that."he tells me.

"Wait first tell me how did you get my number?"

"I have my ways darling, anyway I will be there at 5:30 be ready and don't think about not wearing the clothes I left,remember I still have your best friend." He reminded me.

"Ok fine"I said and then hang up.

He annoys me so much, I want to kill him so bad for what is making me go through.

I get up and decide to go and see what he has pick for me as I enter the room,I looked around because this is the first time I am in his room it was nice.

It was mostly black with some gray and white,no decoration what so ever.

On the bed there was a black skintight dress with a high split with some gloves on the side,it was gorgeous it was a shame what it was being wasted on.

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