Chapter 1

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22 BBY Month 6

She was looking at a casket that was slowly going down

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She was looking at a casket that was slowly going down. Her eyes held something within.

Angry? Sadness?

Emotions filled her gut when it closed shut. Seeing how the casket was now underground within the Jedi Temple. So many Jedi buried after the battle on Geonosis and more to come. The start of this war seems to be never-ending.

A hand touched her shoulder, her eyes looked up to see Master Plo Koon and Sylvain. The dim room made it hard to see their expressions. Sylvain's orange hair could be seen with it tied up in a bun. His eyes watch his friend who had an unreadable expression. She sensed their emotions in some way with this. Another fallen Jedi living with the force as many others.

"Master Das was wise and one of a kind. He is now one with the force. He will guide you on your journey now.. one of the many Jedi before us."

Nodding her head, everything seemed to be swirling around. She wasn't calm or thinking rationally. Today was a day that she would've gone on a mission with her master to discuss peace with a planet. But he tragically died in a battle with the Separatists.

Moving her gaze to the many Jedi to mourn for their comrade. Lexi was unsure about her journey now. The way the path seemed to be never the same and always on the move. Fate was testing her in some way. The force had a mind of its own at times.

Everyone had lost someone close. One a Master, another a Padawan. Moving around, she spotted a friend of hers with his master in the corner of the room.

Many lost friends, masters, and Padawans during the war. Death seemed to be all around them. Lexi knew it must hurt to lose someone close. She can't believe the pain of seeing it in person.

War wasn't nice to anyone.

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"Master Shaak Ti, can I join you on your travel to Kamino?"

The Togruta turned to face her as she stood taller than her. The way her horns brought out the beauty in her, how she kept herself calm and strong.

"Did Master Yoda give you any instructions?"

Lexi, the young padawan shook her head. Truthfully she accomplished everything the master was telling her to do. Study, train, meditate.

She needed to get away from Coruscant. Away from the eyes and whispers. She felt like they were suffocating her with every step she took in the Jedi halls. Wishing to find freedom and space away from it all.

"I can help you with whatever you're doing on Kamino. Train clones, run errands?"

Shaak Ti looked at her calmly, as if she knew what was already going on. Instead of pushing her, the female Jedi nodded and waved her hand to follow. Lexi beamed happily before following her onto the ship that would be headed to Kamino. Her gaze went around the transport shuttle with clones working controls of the ship. Her eyes moved to the Togruta who had an unreadable expression on her calm face. Intrigued by Master Shaak Ti, she wanted to learn how she kept calm in difficult situations.

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