Your Legacy is a Lie

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 Voras wasted no time.

He lunged towards you, towards the bar in your hands, but you swung hard and fast, colliding with his jaw with a sickening crack.

Voras fell to his knees as you swung again. As you lowered the bar, his hand shot up and caught it. Voras wrenched it out of your hands, kicking you back. You only fell one step back, falling into a ready position.

Voras stood up slowly, tossing the crowbar away as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Since when did you get so feisty?"

"Since you killed my younger sister, asshole," You answered, almost with practiced ease. You had envisioned this moment so many times, but the adrenaline coursing through your veins made it hard to think straight.

"She was our half sister," Voras started to take off his outer coat, revealing muscled arms with tattoos running up and down them. "Father had her with a whore. A low born. And he loved her for nothing."

As his coat floated to the floor, his sentence settled in. "You don't know," you said as it dawned on you.

"We were his real children, yet we were bantha dung to him," Voras spat, dropping down his center as he threw a punch. You blocked, but in stepping back to avoid it, you felt the ground start to disintegrate before your foot. As he came at you again, you jumped to the side, on steadier ground. Voras cursed as his footing slipped, crawling over a now widening crack to you.

"I can't believe you don't know," You spun, kicking him in the head before he could stand up, sending him tumbling to the ground.

"Don't know what?!" Voras growled. He jumped at you, catching you around the waist, running the two of you into the nearest wall.

You slammed your elbow down onto his neck, and he threw you to the ground as his hand went to the back of his neck, coming back red. "You absolute idiot, Voras."

Voras grabbed your foot, trying to wrench you towards the crack behind him. You shot out your foot, hearing a satisfying sound of pain when you connected with his wrist and on instinct he let go. You scrambled back to your feet. "Don't know WHAT?!"

"Mother was high born," You stumbled as the floor rumbled. "Why do you think he loved Inesa so much?" Voras started at you again, and you traded blocks and punches before he swept your feet out from under you, pinning you to the floor,, sitting on your hips.

"Speak carefully," Voras spit into your face. "I can make your death very painful, you know."

You smiled, flexing your hands, feeling Voras's strong grip on your wrists. "Father took of her because she was the only legitimate child he had."

Voras bared his teeth, dripping blood down onto your face. You could your own blood dripping down from your head where he had gotten you, and the dust in the air stung your broken lip. "Liar."

You started to laugh, it was almost funny. The man who had made an empire on his planet, wooed the Separatists, and murdered their own father, was too self absorbed to have an ounce of critical reflection. "We looked nothing like her," You taunted. A large rumble came from your right, and you both snapped your head to it as the wall fell away in large chunks, the sun streaming in. The floor started to go with it, disappearing in a matter of seconds, threatening to drop the both of you to your doom "We looked like Atalia."

"You bitch!" Voras slammed his fist into your face, your vision going blurry, but you were still laughing, using it to pull your legs up under you. "You lying, little bitch!"

"Your legacy is a lie," You whispered before you shot your legs up, wrapping your feet around his neck and whisking his upper body down into the ground. You rolled away from him, closer to the wall still somewhat attached to the cliff.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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