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The adrenaline was the only thing that was keeping Hunter from screaming.

It was the only way that Tech and Hunter were able to drag Wrecker to the ship with Crosshair providing cover fire.

Wrecker's face was a mess, covered in blood and dirt.

Tech knew for a fact he could see bone, but wasn't sure if telling the others would help as he slid into the pilot seat.

Even after they had taken off and made it to hyperspace, the cabin was filled with fear. Crosshair and Hunter were trying to stop the bleeding.

Wrecker chose to be a shield, protecting the rest of the group, but blowing up the side of his face. His breathing was ragged and sporadic. Tech was visibly shaking as he joined them on the floor, administering medicine after medicine. Tech was so engrossed in his attempts to keep Wrecker alive until they reached the nearest base he didn't register the tears slipping down his cheeks.

Hunter was holding Wrecker's head in his lap, focusing on his heartbeat, willing it to go on. He could feel the breaks in the bone, and he hoped he was holding Wrecker together. He often felt like the glue to the squad, but he didn't know if he could glue this broken mess back together.

Crosshair was rifling through the medkit, prepping syringes and swearing as he searched for an oxygen mask. He jumped up, tearing apart the ship, looking for the stupid things. When he finally found one, he chucked it at Hunter, who caught it without looking up. Crosshair slid back next to his brother's side, trying to push down the sense of dread growing.

They weren't going to lose Wrecker. They couldn't.

The ship lurched out of hyperspace. They all looked at the fast approaching planet. Tech ran to the cockpit as Wrecker's heart rate got softer and softer.


You ran towards the landing platform, yelling instructions at the medic crew. The omicron ship didn't land gracefully, scraping against the platform, causing sparks, but it didn't stop you. You kept sprinting to the ship. If what they had told you was right, you couldn't afford to stop.

You ran up the steps to the ship, taking in the scene.

Two of the best fighters in the GAR, overcome by fear as the gentle giant lay bleeding out.

The stretcher came onto the ship. You pushed the two soldiers out of the way, being as gentle and fast as you could possibly be with Wrecker's head.

As soon as he was on the stretcher, you were off again, running after the two medics who pushed the stretcher.


You paused, turning towards the sound. The remaining members of Clone Force 99 stared at you, pleading.

"Please, don't let him die."

You nodded with a soft smile, before following the broken man, grabbing the data pad offered, watching his vitals.

You burst into the operating room, pulling on your gloves and getting to work.


Crosshair was jittery.

He couldn't sit down, it was too constricting, and when he paced he knew he was bothering Hunter.

Tech was the quietest and most still Crosshair had ever seen. He was hunched in his chair, eyes unfocused, his goggles hanging from his hand.

Hunter couldn't stop replaying the moment in his mind. One moment, Wrecker was fine. The next, the shell came flying through the air, he had been thrown to the ground, Wrecker's helmet had landed with it. The shell hit. And Wrecker went down. Wrecker didn't go down.

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