It's okay (Sick!Nat)

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Me and Natasha had been together for nearly ten years now and married for four of them, but nonetheless she hated to be vulnerable with me. It got better but in our beginnings, it seemed like she would rather want to die than show a weak spot.

The firs time I saw her, like that was years ago. When we became something along the lines of friends. Natasha had just got here from Russia and refused to interact with anyone but Clint and Fury, on the good days maybe Maria. On this day I went to the gym around three in the morning, not expecting to meet anyone so early, however I was wrong.

When I sat foot into the large halls of our gym I could hear her muffled crying close by. I went to interrogate it and what I saw was truly shocking. There she was the angry, scary, ex assassin rolled up into a fetal position crying quietly. She didn't even notice that I was here. I considered my options, I couldn't leave her here I had to do something right? "Agent Romanoff? Are you okay, do... you need anything?"

After the first words left my mouth Natasha look up, terrified like she had just been caught doing a terrible crime. She wiped away her tears "I have to go now" Natasha stood up abruptly I placed a hand on her shoulder before she could run off. "Nightmares am I right" she would just nod and the end of the night Natasha would sleep peacefully next to me as I held her close.  On the next morning she was gone the only thing she left was a note thanking and pleading me not to tell anyone. I could only laugh at the last part.

After months she would tell me the reasons for her break downs at night the red room. She wasn't aloud to show weakness, the reason why she was so scared of me seeing her weak like that. She was just afraid of the harsh punishment that she could've received.

Me and Natasha had been on a field mission together and to put it simple it just didn't stop raining. At the end we were wetter than wet drenched in mutt and rain. So it was no question if me or Nat would get a cold rather when would it set in.

Natasha was sitting at her desk, writing down her mission report. I heard her coughing and sneezing through the entire apartment and that's when I decided it's enough. I made my way through the hallway while her coughing gets louder. She looked up when I opened the door to her office "Baby, you're sick" She looked at me with tired eyes "You need to rest" Natasha sneezed again before saying "I am perfectly fine" She blowed her reddened nose in a tissue "Being sick is for the weak and" Again she gets interrupted by a yawn "And I'm not"

I sign, walking over to her messy desk placing a hand against her head feeling the heat under my hands. "Natasha, you need to rest now you are burning" She looks at me with with her tired eyes. "First I'm not sick, I'm never sick" She sneezed again "Second I have to finish this report" I could only shake my head at her stubbornness.

"That's it Tasha, I am your wife and you are sick which means I'll take care of you now. No but, no mission reports, no work just cuddles and watching grey's anatomy" She wanted to say something against it again but before she could I shut her off. "No, Natasha you're sick it's okay to be vulnerable, you're not in the Red Room anymore. You're not weak it's strong to show weakness"

Her eyes met the ground, she looked sad. I grabbed her hands pulling her from her office chair into my arms, hugging and holding her tight. Sweet nothings were whisper in her ear before I carried her to bed snuggling her into our shared bed.

"Do you want Liho, baby" I kissed her forehead, she just shakes it. Even though she said she didn't want the cat as it wasn't leaving our side in a mission she still kept him. Her heart melted whenever he would do the most simple things, however she would never admit that.

I had placed the cat between us whenever I would get to close to Nat he would hiss at me. She would just laugh and keep petting him."Nat do you truly love the cat more than me?" She pet him listening to his purring "He doesn't order me around like you do" I throw her a fake look of offense „That's not true" She laughs before coughing again. I smile as I lean closer to her but before our lips could meet Liho stared hissing again, making Natasha laugh. „Oh shut up" I mumbled before pressing my lips to her, pulling her close by the waist.

On this day Natasha let herself finally be vulnerable again without the guilt, without the bad feeling, without the memories.

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