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I wake up, disoriented, my hair a tangled mess as I blink groggily against the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. The room is bathed in a warm glow, the sun casting golden rays that dance across the walls like ethereal tendrils.

My gaze drifts lazily around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings.

My fingers instinctively find their way to my left hand, where the glint of my engagement ring catches my eye.

The anticipation coils in my chest, a mixture of excitement and nervousness swirling within me as I contemplate the day ahead.

As I shift in bed, I notice the absence of Elias beside me, a pang of disappointment fluttering in my chest. I narrow my eyes, sitting up on my elbows, trying to dispel the lingering fog of sleep that clouds my vision.

Where could he have gone so early in the morning?

Then, my gaze lands on the bedside table, and I notice a vase of flowers resting there, a vibrant splash of colour against the muted tones of the room.

Red roses, their velvety petals glistening in the morning light, cast a rich, intoxicating fragrance that fills the air with their sweet aroma. The crimson hue of the roses seems to intensify under the warm, amber glow.

I blink and reach out tentatively, my fingers skimming along the soft petals of the roses, savouring the delicate texture beneath my touch. They feel like satin against my skin, of course Elias would choose the nicest roses.

With a sigh, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, the cool hardwood floor sending a shiver up my spine as my bare feet make contact with its surface.

I pad across the room towards the door, my steps hesitant as I reach for the handle, only to find it locked.

I rattle the doorknob again, hoping for some sign of movement, but it remains stubbornly locked.

With a frustrated grunt, I slam my hand against the door, the sound echoing through the room like a thunderclap. "What the hell?" I breathe.

A voice sounds behind me, and I turn to see Elias standing there, his presence causing my anger to simmer down.

"Good morning," he says huskily, his voice sending a shiver down my spine.

How had I not seen him? I start to wonder whether I'm blind.

I arch an eyebrow at him, confusion brewing within me. "Why is the door locked?" I inquire, my gaze dropping to the handcuffs dangling from his fingers. A devilish look crosses his face as he meets my eyes.

"Wouldn't you like to make the most of our time before our wedding?" he suggests, his tone teasing yet tinged with an undeniable hint of desire.

My breath catches in my throat at his suggestive remark. "Maybe without morning breath," I retort, trying to mask the flutter of anticipation that swirls within me.

Elias chuckles softly, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "I've kissed you lots in the mornings," he says, his voice low and seductive. "In all places."

A blush rises to my cheeks at his bold statement, heat flooding my veins as he closes the distance between us. My heart races in my chest as he nears.

"Do you recall arriving here, filled with anger and fury?" he asks, his words pulling me back to the time I first arrived here in this exact room.

"When I tossed those crimson roses at this very door?" I say, my back touching the door now.

"How about we hit the rewind button on that memory, rewind that morning to something more delightfully mischievous?" Elias suggests, his voice laced with a seductive undertone as he touches my cheek with the back of his hand.

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