Part 5- Diary entre 4

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I'm writing this at night right now.. today was not good, I miss her. I mean we looked outside for the first time- well not first but we WERE outside. The breeze felt nice, it was a pretty cold out thought- Luckily I had on layers. When we opened the door it felt weird, I mean quiet. Like weird, we had no idea what was going on. We all wanted to find out obviously, but we didn't know how to find out. I walked in front of Jj and Gabriel, "maybe we'll be able to see something.." I spoke to Jj, "Maybe, let's walk around the perimeter. Uhm- Gen, walk along here, me and Gabe will walk around over there." He pointed to the side we weren't on. "Why can't I just come with you guys?" I said, "well uh- it will be safer if we go." Gabe surprised me by saying that, Jj pushed him a little bit.

I scoffed and walked the opposite direction, I was looking to the front of the school building. I sat on the edge of the building. Shivering I felt, the concrete below me was cold and hard. I hated that feeling- the texture did not feel good at all. I looked over to where Ms. Shelly (the office lady) her car was still smashed into a light post. The fire truck was flipped over a couple feet after her car. I just didn't understand what was happening. I suddenly saw one of those things, it was far away. I had my bag with me, it had binoculars in it. I took them out and tried to observe it while I was over here sitting like a dog. I tried to move the binoculars to see what it was. It was a firefighter zombie thing. He was walking around smelling something, I then saw him sniff then walk over to Ms. Shelly's car. Her car's windshield was broken, the thing hopped on top of her car and dragged out her slightly broken body. Ugh I couldn't watch anymore, I put the binoculars down and sighed,- suddenly...

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped in fear. It was Gabriel, "Hey. Don't fall now." I gave him a confused face, "Couldn't say something?" I looked back out to the road. "You see what's happening over there? Ms. Shelly's broken dead body is getting eaten by one of those sick things. What if that's my family?" He sat down next to me and took the binoculars, "Ew, guts" I giggled a little bit because of his voice and face of disgust. "What do you wanna see?" he started shoving the binoculars into me. I was laughing and laughing "Stop!" I said scooting away from him. "Am I interrupting something" I heard a voice behind us, Gabe was quick to say, "ew no" he paused, "never." What? What did that mean? I mean I didn't understand it.

I tried not to act hurt with what he said, I walked around a bit looking around to see if there was anything up here. Or maybe some other people for a change. I then saw something that looked like a person walking their dog, everything felt normal for a second. It was like a symbol, there's still people out there. I heard Jj yell from a bit away, "See something?" I looked at him and turned around. It wasn't there anymore, the person, the symbol. It was all gone. I shook my head hoping he would get the message. I'm guessing he did because he didn't say anything after that.

After going back inside we obviously didn't really find anything. We were talking about if we should have a rotation cycle of people watching up there. It was a big place that 8 teenage kids did NOT need. But where else could we go? I was hoping we could maybe talk about it tonight because I feel like I keep bringing it up. We kind of just assumed that JJ was the most logical one and the most fit to be a leader. He was one person that was keeping me from punching Abby in the face. Me and Abby before this only had like one class together and the bus ride was only like 10 or 15 minutes before we got to school. But now being around her 24/7 is just annoying as hell.

We got back to where we've been sleeping and everything. Suddenly the power went down. I mean I was surprised it lasted this long but it was like a miracle. We had flashlights, but obviously a limited amount of batteries. There was a lot we had found so far but we didn't really know how to ration them. "Well shit" Gabe said, "it's okay" JJ said. "Should we go check up on everyone?" I asked JJ. "Sure, Cmon"

We started walking, Gabriel was walking a little ahead of us, I feel like he's been ignoring me and JJ. I had no idea why but he just kinda was. "Is he mad?" I whispered to Jay. "Good question." He said obviously wondering the same thing. We walked until we met up with Renae, Rudy, Celly. "What the hell happened?" Rudy said, questioning us like we did something. "We don't know. It probably just ran out of fuel or whatever." Jj said, "Or maybe there's people out there that turned it off." Rudy spoke up again. "I don't think it's that easy to turn the power off on a school. Like Jay said, it probably ran out of fuel." I said getting sick of Rudy's attitude. Like I know what it's like, "It was nice to have power, but it's gone. Complaining won't help Rudy." He looked at me and scoffed. "So what about Jason, Abby, Kiera?" Renae said, "We don't know where they are. They were out looking for stuff so they could really be anywhere." Gabriel said. "Hopefully they're safe." I said, and I truly meant that, no matter how much I didn't like someone, we are a group. "Same" JJ held my shoulder then let go.

The group decided that Jason, Abby, and Kiera would be back soon, so we sat inside. In the room no one really talked to each other. My stomach growled, I walked over to JJ while he was sharpening one of the knives he had found. "Im hungry" He looked at me "You're a little pale." He walked over to the cabinet he had food in and opened it. "I thought we had a lot more." He told me, "We did- I know we did. We all rationed what each one of us took in our bags this morning. There's like 4 missing water bottles and cans missing." Celly walked over to us, "what's wrong?" she said in her quiet voice. "I think Abby and them took some of the food. Can we look in your bags?" She walked over to Renae and Rudy sitting down next to each other talking, I saw them nod and she took all their bags and brought them over to the table. I started looking in Renae's bag. A water bottle and some food, JJ pulled the same amount out of Rudys and Celly pulled the same out of hers. "It had to be them who took it!" I exclaimed, which caught Gabriel's attention."What's going on?" He asked us all, Renae and Rudy walked over as well. "We think Abby, Jason and Kiera took food." JJ said. "I think they left, I think they took food and left. They didn't take Gabriel because they knew he would never leave. So they took Kiera, she can't really stand her ground. Gosh- she's probably getting pushed around by them as we speak." I paced a little bit then sat down. "Genevieve I'm sure she's fine, maybe they took a couple extra to be careful? She'll be back." Renae tried to persuade me while the others talked some more. "You don't know that they're gonna come back." I told her I was scared about what was happening to my best friend. "You don't know that they won't." She had a point.

Gabe and Renae looked throughout Abby and Jason's stuff. I overheard their convo a little bit. "You really think Jason would leave? No offense but he can't even really walk a mile without being out of breath." I heard Gabriel say. "I don't know, Abby can be a bossy bitch." I stopped listening then and started crying to myself a bit. It was dark by now. I was sitting in my corner. I looked next to me to see Kiera's empty spot. I should've told her to come with us. Instead I let Abby take her. Abby doesn't even know how to use a knife, Jason isn't athletic at all and poor Kiera. I then saw JJ's figure come into the frame of my watery eyes. I could barely see his brunette hair because it was so foggy . I sat up and picked up a tissue to wipe my eyes. He sat next to me, "Hey, here's some food. I know you're hungry. "Not really," I said. "Oh shut up and eat" We both laughed for a second when the door opened I immediately stood up. I walked over to Celly and Rudy, "Did you find her?" Celly hugged me. "No but the one door we only half way secured was opened, Walked outside to see anything but those things started to see us." I looked at them disappointedly. "Guys we found a note."
"It says 'Do you want to leave this place? No one knows what they're doing and I want to see my
family. From Jason' Wtf" Gabe said.


AHHHH i feel like i'm officially developing a story line, a couple more diary entries then i'm going to continue the book as a novella for my next quarter project!!!

No spoilers but we're not gonna be in the school much longer 🤫

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated 💕

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