Part 6- Diary Entree 5

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    It was cold this morning, very cold. We officially are 90% the way done looking through the school. We have a storage room with all the stuff next door. We keep it locked with a key and chains and lock so no intruders or anyone can get in. I couldn't really sleep thinking about Kiera, I was on watch most the night hoping that she would just come running back giggling her ass off. I Missed her so much, just anything that would tell me she's out there would be amazing. She's my only girlfriend in this, never should have trusted Abby. I really tried to think the best of her but after she took my best friend away from me, if I see Abby one more time before I die I will make sure she's dead before me. Anyways, I talked to JJ this morning. He told me that with some of the stuff in storage we might be good for another week- because a lot of stuff without being refrigerated is molding, already! We need to have a meeting today like I mentioned in the last entry. I think it's really needed, we need everyone's ideas on how to survive, on what to do next, should we stay here or flee? Should we go look for our families? Should we wait it out? Should we go look for Kiera? I have no idea what to do next, I'll update you the next time something big happens.
We had the meeting, I'll try my best to completely recite.
"So we need everyone's opinions.. What's next?" JJ asked the hardened question now that he has spoken it out loud, I'm sure everyones been thinking it. Renae then said, "That National Emergency we all got before stuff went down, it said to stay indoors.. I think we should stay here a bit longer. Maybe make a sign on top of school to let people know there's people here." She finished off her comment with a strong thing that could really help us, we all nodded. "I think we should maybe let a couple people go out.. I mean we all have a lot of questions, right? Maybe try to see if a radio on a car is playing an alert." Celly brought that up, I think by saying 'a couple people' is not referring to her going out. Another great thing to do though. "These are all things we can do staying here- Does anybody want to leave?" Jj asked the question, "I think we should go out, I mean I'm sure everyone wants to see their family or find out what's happening, maybe just to get on the radio and listen? Or to go out and find Kiera." I spoke up, that was stuff from my heart, then Gaberiel said something that made me feel horrible for what I want. "Not everything is about you, the things you listed- Family, just because you heard from someone in your house you didn't even KNOW was your brother's girlfriend you trusted her, she never called back and you want to find out for you. Kiera, no one else really liked her except you. We are here to survive together, not risk our lives for people we don't know are even alive or not. It's all for you, you're selfish." Everyone didn't know what he did, so I started to tear up a little bit. I mean why was he being so mean to me, I didn't understand. Was it because of what Gabe said on the roof? That was a joke though. After that I left the room and told everyone I was talking about my watch.

        Once I arrived on the roof I started thinking of how I have been selfish. I mean no one else got the opportunity to call their parents, even if they forgot their number- I felt bad. I didn't know why Gaberiel was so mad at me, maybe I'll try to talk to him later about it. I mean we don't know how these things behave, are they superhuman and can climb on walls and stuff or are they brain dead and will eat anything they find. We didn't know, that's why I wanted to go out. I thought about it to myself. I wouldn't be selfish if I went out there and got the information for them, would I? Tonight I will go out and be selfless!

Gather supplies
Makes excuse
Distract lookout
Find a car, turn in on and find out information
That's my list, for what I need to do tonight, I'll try to document everything in here just in case something happens to me and someone finds this journal.

Stage one.. Just got my bag of supplies,bout to say i'm on my period and thats why im leaving.
Stage two.. IT WORKED SO FAR ! I told them I had started my period and had to go change. Next I have to discreetly get out of the school and distract Gabe and Celly up top on the roof. Jj and Renae are about to change spots with them so I think I'll have a slight gap while they're distracted.

             I made it to the bathroom, I just had to look at myself one last time. Anyways I'm at the doors now, I might not be able to document any farther due to how fast I have to be. I have my flashlight and knife with me. I don't see any of those creatures yet, I think I'm gonna call them biters, or eaters. Yeah, biters was a better sound to it. Anyways this might be the last time hearing from me, goodbye.

           Shit, I made it to the car, the keys are still in it luckily. But since it was dark the lights would turn on. I don't think that the watchers can see me from here though. But there's a couple bitters near me, I might drive it up a bit. No, I'm gonna turn on the radio first for answers. I'm trying to find a radio that's playing right now- oh shit. Let me recall what it's repeating.

              "If anyone is still out there please stay indoors. There is a state refugee camp in Annapolis, MD. We are fortifying it as the message is speaking. 24/7 this message is being sent out. We pray for all, and if you're traveling to the camp be fast but quiet, those things are on most main roads and in the woods. They eat anything they can get. We do have communication with the CDC and Washington DC at this moment of time. Getting bit or scratched leads to a disease that goes through your blood. It starts to eat your insides if it cannot get food. Those things act crazier the hungrier they are. God with you all." I had to get back now! I got the information I needed. I'm going to drive back to the front of the school.

            Once I got inside the building I sat down and took a deep breath. It was a couple feet away from making me them. I heard them banging on the door so I ran up to the room. "What the hell Gen, was that you out there!?" Gabe yelled at me. I told him "I need you all to listen." I told them everything I learned and told them what the message said. "Genevieve  this is some crazy shit! You could have seriously gotten hurt. But that was smart of you, and it's over with now. Thank you Genevieve ." Gabe hugged me. I risked my life for him, I didn't know why I was thinking about it. Why do I want to please him? I had a fake smile on my face when Jj had gotten in the room, "Was that you Gen?" I nodded as Gaberiel backed off of me, and laughed. Jj asked me to come with him so I went. He said something like, "Gen- I Truly care about you. I heard what you said to them, I came in after Gabe started getting all excited because he was being a dick. I know you were trying to prove him wrong but you didn't need to do that." I looked at his brown eyes and saw that the pupils were very big. I could tell that he actually cared, I hugged him. He hugged me back, " We could have done it a safer way, you know that."


Help why is my story not getting any more views 😭

I mean it doesn't matter but like I want feedback on my writing and stuff

anyways i think i'm going to end this story pretty soon and just make it a short story.

I have a new idea for my next writers project about romance at a summer camp which will be fun 😋

I want to make it into a novella, i think it would be good !! I have lots of ideas planned and if i get a bigger audience i will write faster which is great motivation

anyways ily all for reading 💕

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