omg why

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Before i rant, just know i dont need anyone to try and make me feel better.
Dont read this if you're in a bad mindset pls.


Im so done with this shit i never want to get out of bed again i give up. im just gonna curl up and die. I'm literally so hungry rn but im not getting up. Like ffs im curling in on myself patheticly thats how hungry i am. If im lucky i can fall asleep but who am i kidding i can never sleep peacefully. I'm just lying to myself. I hate feeling like this. Everything is shit. Even if my mom comes in here to yell at me again idc. Im supposed to go to my aunt's house tommorow hopefully I'll feel better before then... i dont rlly wanna go. I think i overstimulated myself by doing too much work and now i feel like shit. I just want to die but im too scared ill probably go to hell for being a fucking faggot or something. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Ok! Bye everypony!

☆Toby's Vent diary☆ (a decent into madness)Where stories live. Discover now