A Fine day

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[At home]
"Maryam!" screamed Ismael.
"What is it!?" asked Maryam, she was startled because her brother screamed out of no where.
"You were the one right? You fought with your seniors, if I'm not wrong," said Ismael angrily.
"First of all, They aren't seniors, they are the same department as me, and please don't interfere in my problems," she said, sighing.
"Alright, I'm sorry, " said Ismael. He took the car keys and left the house.
Maryam was puzzled. She sighed and gathered her things. Then locked the house and left for collage.

[at the Collage......]
On her way to the class, she saw a group of girls gathered in the room which was left empty. Everyone there was shocked to see the floor covered by blood. Maryam thought, " I didn't kill them, instead, I just taught them a lesson not to bully anyone again."
The teachers and the students panicked and went back to their respective classes and gossiped about the new professor who harassed girls for not studying properly.
Maryam heard this and smiled.
The professor was teaching the computer science department. So the professor first went and collected the mathematics books from the teacher's corner and went to the class.

[in the classroom.....]
"Good evening. " said the professor entering the class.
"Today's topic name is algebra. Who's with me?" He asked, The class was so silent. No one in the class was excited to study algebra except Fathima and Hamza.
Fathima was a bit scared as she was an introvert in class, so Hamza stood up for her and said that he was interested in algebra. The professor was relieved and started the class without any hesitation. After the class ended, Fathima rushed toward the professor and was about to ask doubts about the algebra. Before she went near him, Hamza pulled her towards him
"I can help you with that," said Hamza.
Fathima was confused. She nodded yes to Hamza and left the class.

[after the school......]
Fathima and Hamza walked towards the teacher's cabin together and left some math books on the table. While Hamza turned to look around at Fathima. She was not there. He panicked and searched her around. He kept searching for her. Suddenly, Hamza bumped into Ismael, fell to the ground, and asked for sorry.
"Why are in a hurry, chill man," said Ismael, helping Hamza to stand.
"I"m searching Fathima," said Hamza.
"Who is she?" asked Ismael.
"Oh, she is a new girl, she is in my department and we are in the same class." said Hamza.
"Holy crap! you had maths class right? I'm coming with you." said Ismael. They rushed to the teacher's hostel and saw the professor's room covered in blood and saw Fathima in the floor.

"Is Fathima Alright!?" asked Maryam, rushing in with Issac.

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