Free time

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[In Maryam's house.....]
Maryam entered the house with a greeting and hugged Ismael. Ismael smiled to the guest who entered his house. Ismael requested to stay in the house comfortably with no rules.
Maryam said that she'd tour the house and dragged Issac upstairs.
Ismael and Fathima were standing for 5 minutes, suddenly Ismael sat on the couch and asked her to also have a seat on the couch and had a nice chat together. 

[At the balcony......]

While Issac is on the balcony with Maryam watching the stars and talking about their career, suddenly Issac asked should we have an eye on my sister.
Maryam smiled and said not we, it's me.
She even told him not to talk about your sister for now because she has come here to enjoy with us and she pushed him against the wall and told him not to talk about agent stuff here cause my brother does not know anything about what we are doing, Understood sweetie.
Issac nodded pushed her away and said, "You flirt a lot these days. Who taught you to flirt". Maryam smiled and said that it comes in a flow.
Ismael entered their conversation and asked them to come downstairs as the dinner was ready.

While Issac went downstairs, Ismael pulled maryam into her room and said that he had fallen in love with that girl. Maryam smirked and asked which girl are you talking about my dear brother.
Ismael said shyly to Fathima and asked Maryam to help Fathima fall in love with Ismael.
Maryam agreed to him and dragged him to the dining hall to eat dinner.
After dinner, they all went to their rooms and slept.

[going out to have fun......]

At morning 7:00 they ate breakfast and got ready to go to an amusement park. Issac smiled at Maryam and asked can we go in pairs. Maryam nodded and pulled Issac to the car and sat back while Ismael and Fathima smiled at each other and sat in front.
Ismael drove the car so fast like a roller coaster and reached there in no time.
Issac felt a bit dizzy and went to the washroom to throw up.
While Maryam, Ismael, and Fathima waited for Issac to come.
Maryam stared at the couple and told them that she'd go and check on Issac. 
Maryam ran to search for Issac, Suddenly Issac pulled and said let the couple enjoy and we will watch them alright. Maryam nodded.
They both watched the couple enjoy the roller coaster, water splash, haunted house, boat riding, and last but not least the romantic moment at the Ferris wheel.
Issac and Maryam enjoyed a lot watching them and playing in other rides too.
In between they ate lunch together and had the best time.
After that, they hopped into the car and went to the cinema theater, to watch the latest movie.
While Issac and Maryam were like stalkers watching them wherever the couple went.
At last they all got home at 12:00 am at the midnight and slept.

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