Siblings focused

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[After a week.....]
The semesters were near. Everyone was focused. Maryam and Ismael studied in groups, outside of the classroom, and at the library while posing several questions to the subject matter experts. They both spent their time together studying, asking questions to each other about the concepts, and testing themselves by writing tests before the exam was near. They both studied on time and slept on time. They both never waste a single minute.

In the English exam, they both simply read the book and ask questions to each other in the evening. They test their grammar every day in the morning before they go to school.

In the science exam, they both practice the important diagrams in the concept and test themselves by self-tests.

[After the semesters.....]
Ismael and Maryam were so tired that they went home and took a nap for 3 hours continuously with no disturbance outside. Syed tried calling Ismael but Maryam turned off his phone and slept.
After three hours, Ishmael woke up and saw his watch it was already 7:30 pm. He Turns towards Maryam and laughs at her because she is sleeping soundly with a loud snore.
He taps her slowly and gets down the stairs slowly without noise to make sure Maryam doesn't wake up from her bed. He watches a movie named Monsters University. He laughs at this movie because he knows that Maryam was motivated by this movie to study hard for her dreams.

[In the agency.....]

"Hey, you gotta be careful," said Issac. Lia was confused.
"Why?" asked Lia.
"the closer the friends, the closer they betray you. Be careful leader!" said Issac.
"Alright Issac, thanks for the information." said Lia.
"Oh, by the way, Issac how were your semesters?" asked Lia.
"lt was easy peasy lemon squeezy," said Issac, smiling.
"What about you, leader?"asked Issac.
"It was easy too!" said Lia.

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