Are you okay?

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[In the cafe....]

Maryam was still in confused about her studies, friend's, life, family, and other personal feeling. Suddenly fathima came from Maryam's back and surprised her and gave her banana milk with straw. But maryam threw the straw away and teared the upper part with nail and drank the milk in a Tomboy way. Fathima asked whether maryam was alright or not. Maryam smiled and said that she's fine. Maryam asked fathima whether she knows Issac. Fathima smiled and tapped her on the back and said that he is my brother. Maryam gave a shocking face expression and felt a bit relaxed inside.

[Syed entry...]

Syed entered into the cafe and approached towards the table where maryam and fathima were sitting and chatting. The girls in the cafe ran towards him and asked for a photo but before he declined it. Maryam said fathima that she is going to the school lobby for some reasons and went away from the cafe. Syed sat near to fathima and asked her who is she. Fathima said that it is her bestie and smiled at her when she walked away. Syed smiled and left the cafe with fathima.

[To the lobby.....]

While fathima and Syed were walking towards the school lobby, they saw blood covered over the lobby and saw Maryam lying down. Syed quickly approached towards Maryam and carried her immediately to the infirmary. Fathima said that she'll take care of her but Syed declined her request and Said her to leave the infirmary immediately with Issac. Fathima nodded and left the infirmary. Syed took Maryam phone and checked any recent phone call, there was a name "brother" in first, so he called that person to infirmary and informed that his sister is in trouble. The person ran towards infirmary.before Syed was about to turn backside. The person thanked him for carrying his sister to the infirmary. Syed turned and asked " is that you Ismael". Ismael was shocked to see Syed and said him sorry that he didn't inform that he was his brother. Syed felt relieved and said it's fine buddy. Ismael said Thank you again and asked Syed to leave the infirmary. Syed nodded and left the infirmary. Ismael carried Maryam in his back and gave her a piggy ride to the home.

[In the home....]

Ismael unlocked his home and went inside the home and closed the door. Maryam suddenly was sweating, Ismael laid her on the bed and bought some warm cloth to wipe her sweat off. He looked at her hands injured and got shocked. He immediately rushed toward the hall and bought the first-aid kit to her room and treated her wounded part in her hand. When Maryam woke up, Ismael looked at her and asked in a dead tone.....
"are you okay sister".
Maryam looked at her brother quietly with a satisfied face and replied to his question saying
"I'm fine brother"..

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