Chapter 2

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After the first night, it became routine for Eraserhead to stop in and sit with Izuku for a while, listening to the crackly radio and observing the passer-byes. Sometimes Eraserhead would walk Izuku to the apartment building, and sometimes he would be called away and leave Izuku with a warning not to stay up too late. Sometimes Eraserhead would bring snacks for them to share. That was becoming more common as the visits continued.

Izuku wasn't sure how he hadn't noticed he lived on the rooftop, but the visits became reoccurring Izuku started to keep most of his stuff in his bags, so he could excuse it as him bring stuff up with him, instead of living up here.

One day Eraserhead brought more than just his usual snacks. As He sat down next to Izuku, he handed him a parcel. Izuku looked at him in confusion before taking it and opening it slowly.

"A- A radio?" Izuku looked up at Eraserhead. Eraserhead hummed, looking at the street.

"Yeah. My Partner found it while they were cleaning. Thought I would clean it up and give it to you. We never use it anymore." He explained, ignoring the look on Izuku's face.

Izuku looked back at the radio critically. He could tell it was almost brand new, if not completely. It was definitely not something that had been thrown into a box or room and forgotten about. Sure, there were scratches on it, but none near the dials, where the most wear and tear would occur. And even if it had been cleaned, there would still be dirt and crud in the cracks and joints, places a rag couldn't reach. And if it had truly been sitting in a room, after being used for who knows how long, the plastic would be cracked, and there would be some sort of personalization on it. Eraserhead wasn't that old, so the likelihood would be that he or his partner would have used it during school. High schoolers always personalize their stuff. And even if he removed the personalization's on it, if it had been stickers there would be residue on it and vivids don't come off completely. Paint would have discolored the plastic, and so would the stickers. But he didn't want to say anything and offend Eraserhead so he kept quiet and pretended to accept Eraserhead's cover story. If Eraserhead didn't want Izuku to know he had just brought it and roughed it up a little, Izuku wouldn't say anything.

"Thank you," He mumbled, fiddling with the dials to find the right channel. Izuku turned off his old radio and turned on the new one. Present Mic's voice floated clearly out of the speakers, so clear it sounded like he was sitting right beside Izuku. It was amazing how, during the time with the old speaker, Izuku forgot how clear speakers were supposed to be. Izuku had to turn the volume down, as it was so much louder than his old one as well. Eraserhead hummed, pulling out a jelly pouch, and handed it to Izuku.

"Found a new flavor. Thought you might like to try it." He muttered as Izuku took it. He then reached back into his pockets and pulled out another jelly pouch for himself. Izuku looked at the pouch curiously.

"Tropical... Sounds cool and this brand is a good one too. They make great flavors" Izuku opened the pouch and took a sip, before scrunching up his face. "That tastes- really bad..." He muttered. Eraserhead raised an eyebrow before taking a sip from his.

"You're right. Tastes quite artificial. I'm disappointed in this brand. They normally have very good flavors. Where does it rank?" He asked, turning to Izuku. Izuku hummed. They started ranking the jelly pouch flavours a while ago. Peach was currently the top flavour for Izuku and Coffee for Eraserhead. Both hated the Cucumber flavour Eraserhead's Partner found.

"Above Cucumber, I'll give it that. I think it's between Ginger and Coffee." Izuku decided. Eraserhead hummed.

"I am still insulted Coffee is that low on your list. That was a good flavour" He drawled. Izuku blanched.

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