Chapter 6

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Aizawa sighed as he walked back to the teachers lounge. He felt bad leaving Izuku in there with the devil that is Nezu, but Nezu was right. Classes would be starting soon, and he still had lots to get done. Firstly though, was to remove the risk of being called a kidnapper.

He ducked into an empty meeting room and dialed Tsukauchi. He didn't have to wait long for him to pick up

"Tsukauchi here." Came the tired answer. Aizawa hid a smile under his scarf. And people called his sleep schedule bad.

"Eraserhead here. I found a kid." Aizawa cut to the chase. He knew Tsukauchi was swamped with work at the best of times.

"Yes Eraser, that is what happens when you are at a school." Tsukauchi drawled. Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"I found a child on a rooftop on my patrol a while ago. Up until recently I thought he had a home, but I learned he didn't. I took him home. I just need to know I won't be done for kidnapping" Aizawa elaborated. He heard the tired groan from the other side of the phone.

"You owe me a coffee after this." Tsukauchi complained. "Name?"

"Izuku Midoriya." Aizawa supplied, frowning at the intake of air from the detective. "What?"

"Nothing. Um, are you sure?" Tsukauchi asked carefully. Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"Yes I'm sure. 14 years old, green hair, Qurikless, Mother died in a villain attack three years ago." Aizawa listed. Tsukauchi sighed.

"I feared as much. Eraser, my records say Izuku Midoriya died three years ago in the same freak accident that killed his mother. They are buried side by side." Tsukauchi said slowly. Aizawa reeled in shock.

"What? But that's wrong. Did they ever find a body?" He heard key touches then a sigh

"No. But the whole apartment building collapsed, and no one saw him." Aizawa groaned and pinched his brow ridge.

"No of course they didn't, he ran away."

"What? Why?"

"He watched his mother get crushed by a support beam. He wasn't thinking. He told us that he grabbed a bunch of things he couldn't lose as well and then booked it. Who signed off on his death?" Tsukauchi groaned

"I think you can guess."


"Got it in one."

"God fucking damnit." Aizawa sighed. Gakuto was known to be a slag, and never did his job properly. He always used more force than necessary, released people without the proper paperwork, and apparently, fills out death certificates without evidence. No one really liked him within the police force, but he 'had connections' or something and so every time someone filed a complaint, it went missing. Aizawa sighed again. "Is there any way to... revive the kid?" Aizawa asked. Tsukauchi sighed.

"We would need him to come into the precinct and have an interview with me to confirm he is Izuku Midoriya and not an imposter. We need to get this done sooner rather than later, so when can you come in?"

"I'll see how Izuku is at the end of the day, but it might have to be Saturday."

"That will be fine. Do you know how much work you have just given me Eraser?" Tsukauchi sighed, sounding very tired.

"Sorry." Aizawa didn't sound sorry at all, but it's the sentiment that counts right? "I have class soon, I need to get going. I'll text you when we are coming over." Tsukauchi sighed again but agreed. Aizawa hung up the phone and continued to the teaching lounge. Once there he grabbed a coffee and pulled out his teaching plans.

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