Chapter 5

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After the two of them had finished in the room, Aizawa sat him down at the table and slid a cup of hot chocolate towards him

"Since we didn't go to a cafe" He explained to Izuku's confused look. Izuku nodded and took a sip enjoying the sweet flavour of it. "I've been thinking,'' Aizawa continued after a while, causing Izuku to look up in confusion again. "You want to be a hero right?" Izuku nodded, "Have you done any training?" Aizawa asked, causing Izuku to shake his head, looking down. Aizawa hummed. "I thought so. We better get on to that. You have an appointment with Recovery Girl tomorrow and depending on what she says, we can get started on training. Do you know what kind of hero you want to be?" Izuku frowned before shaking his head.

In all honesty, he never thought about it. He wanted to be a hero like All Might when he was a kid, but now that he has met Eraserhead, and Eraserhead saved him, he didn't know. He didn't think he would like creeping around at night time. And besides, if he did, how could he inspire other quirkless people? Izuku paused at that though. Was that what Aizawa was asking? Or was he asking if he wanted to be limelight or underground?

"I-I want to be a hero that inspires other quirkless people and those who have weak quirks," Izuku said carefully. "I don't know how I'm going to do that though." Aizawa hummed in thought.

"Well, that's alright. That's what the three years of schooling is for. So you're not sure if you want to go underground, be Twilight or Limelight?" Izuku nodded but then frowned

"Twilight?" He asked, sounding confused. Aizawa nodded.

"Twilight heroes have more media presence than underground, but not as much as limelight heroes. They often have patrols during the day, or the early hours of the night. However, they can be called into underground missions, or help if we need it. Midnight is an example of this. She still has a media presence, obviously, but she is also quite useful in the underground. Sometimes she is more active in the underground than she is above it." Aizawa explained.

Izuku nodded along, hands itching for a notebook. Aizawa slid across a pad of paper and a pen, and Izuku grinned and started writing down what Aizawa was saying. Aizawa continued to explain about the differences between the hero classifications. The more Izuku heard, the more he leaned towards being a twilight hero. It would mean he could still encourage other children that were turned down by society, but he also wouldn't be plastered all over the world like All Might was. But Like Aizawa said, he still had time before he had to decide.


The next day Shouta and Hizashi drove Izuku to UA for his check up with Recovery Girl. They had arrived well before any students, which worked well because Izuku was rubbernecking all the way to the nurses office. Shouta, who was the one escorting him as Hizashi had some last minute work to do, was hiding his face in his scarf to hide his smile as Izuku gaped at completely normal doors. Izuku also hadn't stopped muttering since the school had first come into view.

Shouta hid a smile as he had to pull Izuku back with his scarf when the problem child walked straight past the very clearly marked nurses office. Shouta frowned when Izuku deflated when they realised they had arrived, and stepped closer to him. Where he was looking around in awe, he now looked vaguely terrified. His muttering also stopped, which was one of the things that concerned Shouta the most. Why did he look so scared? It was just the nurses office. And Chiyo was lovely, and a hero which Izuku had made clear was his special interest. Izuku had also been spouting information on Recovery Girl on the car ride here, so he clearly knew about her, and knew she was safe. Right?

"Are you ok?" He asked, resting a hand on Izuku's shoulder. Izuku nodded, but still looked nervous and uncomfortable. Shouta turned to fully face Izuku and knelt down to look into Izuku's eyes. "Are you sure? You don't seem ok. We can put this off for a bit longer if you want." Shouta knew they really couldn't put it off, and he would receive an earful from Chiyo if they didn't walk through that door within the next 40 minutes before school started, but if his kid didn't want to go in, they could turn around now and Shouta would happily take the earful. Well, maybe not happily, but he would take it. Izuku shook his head

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