Chapter 3

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Izuku woke up slowly. He frowned as he realised he was warm, and on something soft. He opened his eyes and looked around the room. It was painted in a light grey and held nothing more than the bed he was laying in, a desk, and a closet. A rug lay on the floor and curtains covered what Izuku assumed to be windows. His bags sat on the floor beside the bed. Izuku racked his brain trying to figure out how he got here. The last thing he remembered was panicking. Eraserhead was there, He had said something and it panicked Izuku. Then... Nothing. Now he was in a room he did not recognise. The last time he was in a proper bed was 2 years ago before his mum died.

Izuku carefully pulled back the covers and crept to the door. With a held breath he tested the handle, mentally cheering when it opened. He snuck down the hallway, glancing every which way. He paused as he came across pictures on the walls.

A young male teen with dark mid-length hair was chasing another male teen with bright blue floaty hair who had a book in his hands. Another photo had the two teens in it, but also had another male teen, this one with short yellow hair that had been gelled up. They were all grinning at the camera. Well, the blue and blond-haired teens were. The black-haired teen was glaring at the camera, but a small smile could be seen.

Izuku froze where he was when he heard people talking. He crept forwards, pausing just by the doorway.

"-think he's going to wake up?"

"Dunno. He seemed rather tired last night" Izuku hummed quietly to himself. Last night. That meant he hadn't been unconscious for long. A couple of hours at most.

"Do you know what he likes? I can make him some breakfast for when he gets up." A hum could be heard.

"Don't know. We could just give him a jelly pouch." A sound similar to a squawk sounded.

"SHO! No! We are not giving him a jelly pouch! We are not trying to turn him into a mini you!"

"Peach is his favourite though. And I know we have some of those."

"Sho! No. He needs actual food! Did you see the size of him? I somehow doubt his mother is feeding him properly. Whether that be out of poverty or neglect I don't know, but no kid is that small naturally." Another hum

"Well you figure something out, I'll go see if he's up." Izuku jolted and scamped back to the room he woke up in and dove under the covers. He faced the wall and waited.

Footsteps sounded down the hallway, stopping by the door. Gentle knocks sounded.

"Izuku? Are you awake?" When Izuku didn't answer, the door was cracked open and the footsteps came closer. "Let me rephrase that problem child" Izuku's eyes widened slightly. Eraserhead. Did that mean he was in Eraserheads house? Why was he here? How- "-dy to get up and meet my partner?" Izuku turned his head to look at him.

Yup, that was Eraserhead looking at him. With an eyebrow raised. Izuku blushed slightly. "You didn't hear what I said, did you Problem Child?" Eraserhead asked with a light tilt to his tone. Izuku shook his head sheepishly. "I said, Let me rephrase that Problem Child. I know you are awake, so are you ready to get up and meet my partner, or do you want to keep hiding in your room?" Izuku shrugged.

"Dunno. The bed is quite comfortable" He sassed with a cheeky grin. Eraserhead chuckled and ruffled Izuku's hair

"Problem Child. Come on, Hizashi is making you some breakfast. You need to eat." He said, turning to the door. He waited by the door for Izuku to get untangled from the blankets and to follow him to the dining room.

A Blond person in leather pants and a somewhat familiar leather jacket was at the stove top cooking something. Their hair was put up into a bun and they were wearing house slippers.

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