Chapter 4

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The next day Izuku woke up to warmth and the smell of freshly cooked breakfast. He sat up, causing Patches to fall from where he was lying on Izuku's chest.

"Sorry Kitty." Izuku muttered, giving the cat a pat. He got out of bed and headed into the kitchen. He hesitated for a moment by the doorway, watching Hizashi dance around the kitchen while putting the finishing touches on breakfast. Aizawa was sitting at the kitchen table looking dead to the world. Hizashi turned around with the plates in their hands.

"Oh kiddo! Good morning! Sit down, Breakfast is ready!" They chirped, gesturing to the table with a plate. Izuku moved to sit across from Aizawa, fiddling with his fingers.

"Morning." Aizawa grumbled, clutching his coffee cup like it was his lifeline.

"Good morning, '' Izuku replied, jumping slightly as Patches jumped onto his lap suddenly. He weaved his fingers through the cat's fur, keeping his fingers busy. He gave Hizashi a small smile as they set his plate down.

"Ready to go shopping today Listener?" Hizashi asked, setting down Aizawa's plate before sitting next to him. Izuku nodded shyly.

"I still don't think I need anything else." He muttered. Aizawa looked up at him through his fringe.

"Too bad. You're getting more." He grumbled before turning his gaze back to his food.

"Sho's not much of a morning person" Hizashi explained apologetically, "but he's right. While you don't think you need anything more, Your room looks... temporary, and empty. We want to make it feel like yours. And to do that, we need to buy some things. We also need to buy you some nicer clothes. I know you have some clothes, but there are going to be situations where you will need nicer clothes and it would be easier if you already had them ya dig?" Izuku nodded slowly, guilt about them spending money on him still gnawing in his stomach.

After eating Hizashi shooed Izuku away from helping clean up the plates and sent him to get ready to go. Izuku frowned slightly but left. Soon after the three of them were loaded into the car and headed to the mall, Aizawa trying to fall back asleep.

"Right." Hizashi said when they were walking into the mall. "We need three things. Casual Clothes, Nice Clothes, and Bedroom supplies." They pointed to a store. "We can start there for clothes. How does that sound?" Izuku nodded, feeling a little overwhelmed at the amount of noise. When one has spent their time on quiet rooftops and very little time around actual people, a mall is very loud and overstimulating. Aizawa put a grounding hand on his shoulder and led him into the store.

"Where do you want to start?" He asked Izuku. Izuku shrugged.

"Shirts?" Aizawa nodded and led him over to the shirts. Almost immediately a shirt caught his eye. A white tee shirt with a green rabbit embroidered to hide under the pocket, and small footprints scattered across the shirt. Hizashi followed his gaze and smiled, picking up the shirt in the size closest to what they thought Izuku was and put it into the cart. Izuku tried to argue but Hizashi ignored it. Izuku also found a black long sleeve shirt with a simple cat face on it. He walked over to it, and noticed the tag saying it glowed in the dark. He handed it to Hizashi without argument. So he liked things that glowed, sue him. Hizashi chuckled slightly and placed it into the cart. Aizawa pulled out a green tee shirt that had leaf designs on it.

"It looks like your hair" He quipped. Izuku stuck his tongue out at him but still took the shirt.

"At least mine looks looked after." He quipped back. Aizawa raised an eyebrow and looked at Izuku's hair pointedly. Izuku's hair that, after 3 years of cutting it himself when it got annoying, was shabby at the best of times. Currently it sat at his shoulders, at varying lengths. Izuku pouted. "Point taken..." Aizawa snorted and continued browsing. Hizashi pulled out an orange cropped Put your hands up radio shirt, and showed it to Izuku.

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