Under Threat.

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Author Notes: *Evil Laughter*


Nanon was so blind. He was so blind that it was stupid. How could he think that Ohm Pawat could ever feel anything for him? How could he think that Ohm would ever reciprocate his feelings? Obviously, he thought they were good friends. Nanon had been so so stupid.

Which is why he had decided to step away from the industry all together. He could not continue the fake/pretend fanservice with Ohm, nor could he break the pair and work with someone else. He did not have it in him to ever feel the same way about anyone else, so he left.

As sudden as his decision had been, the extraction process was painstakingly slow. For Nanon, it was like chewing on nails, for P'Kwang, he saw, it was worse.

Every now and then, either she would have to get them to talk to each other forcefully or actually physically separate them before things came to blows. It broke his heart every time Ohm walked away from him, but he told himself it would get better.

This went on all throughout the blur of fake smiles and contractual obligations, till Nanon was finally set free of his misery. Now, at least he did not have to see Ohm every day. Yes. They frequently ran into each other at the GMMTV building or at events, perks of working in the same office, but mostly decided to keep their distance.

If you ask Chimon about his opinion, he would have called the 'distance' bullshit and he had his reasons.

One day, when Nanon was sitting and moaning about how Ohm had forgotten about him, he had his weak moments after all, Chimon just showed him the clip of the GMMTV Starlympics. And man was Nanon embarrassed. It looked like that both of them were trying so hard to not look at each other, that they almost broke their neck, looking at each other

Nanon knew it was confusing, but that's just how Ohm and him had been. So, he just told himself to get a grip, and stop pining.

But it was like God was testing him and testing him thoroughly. Just when he had managed to convince himself that he did not care about Ohm, Ohm met with an accident on his stupid death trap of a bike.

To be honest, Nanon had never liked that thing and always told Ohm that it was dangerous, but Ohm was absolutely besotted by that thing. Mentally Nanon had termed the bike his true archrival. And apparently, he was right.

Nanon was in the recording studio, when P'Mix had rushed in to give him the news. Ohm had been on his way to the GMMTV building on that stupid death trap, when it skidded across the pavement, dragging Ohm with it and onto the pathway of a bus. Luckily the bus driver had spotted him and pulled the breaks in time. Ohm had suffered a few scratches and a wound across his leg due to the friction from the road. Since, it had been almost outside the GMMTV building, P'Earth, who had also been on his way, had brought Ohm to the company's little medical facility.

All in all, Ohm was okay, but Nanon was not.

Tears sprung to his eyes just as P'Mix finished his part and without giving it much thought, he just made a dash towards the med center. Nanon had ignored everything and everyone on his way, in his desperate attempt to see for himself that Ohm was okay, displaying to the entire GMMTV family how pathetic he actually was.

Now that he looked back in retrospect, he could recall a few pitying looks, but in that moment, all Nanon could see was Ohm.

He reached the center and P'Earth was standing outside, looking disheveled and concerned. Nanon had run past him, throwing the door open, ignoring everyone around him, and focused his gaze on Ohm.

He was okay. He was actually okay. His leg was now covered in a long white bandage, there was a small band aid on his cheek and a shameless grin on his lips, as P'Kwang was ripping him a new one. He had looked up, from his conversation with P'Kwang and so did she, when Nanon had suddenly burst into the room.

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