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《Brendon's POV》
"Brendon get your ass up" my good friend Ryan yelled. "5 more minutes" "you better get your ass up because we're going clubbing" right when he said that I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom an did my business. I began to think, were in Washington, D.C. What if Obama is at the club! I doubt. I got a text from Gerard way, my other best friend, he said to meet him at the club, and he was also bringing a friend. "Hurry up were gonna be late" Ryan says "I'm coming". When we got to the club a noticed a big limousine, I wonder who's here. Must be someone important. I see Gerard in the corner with somebody, they look familiar, is that who I think it is?! Gerard looks at us and grabs the person and comes over. When the bright lights hit the person I see who it is, "Barak?"

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