20 dollar nose bleed

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《Barak's POV》
Gerard and I were standing near the bar as he was getting drunk off of margaritas. I on the other was drinking water with lemon. Not just one slice of lemon. Two slices because I like to live on the wild side. Fear me. The president of the United States likes his water a tad bit sower. Gerard pulls my arm over to the two other people in the club that he invited. We started to walk over and I noticed something off about the one person. He was wearing a suit. Not just any suit, the miss Jackson suit. Eh, must be a fan. No way in hell would Brendon urie be in this kind of club. The lights hit my face and it became slightly harder to see. Hey! Ryan Ross is here. Awesome. I don't think ryden is real. Gerard pulls me over and says "Kk b, this is my girls Ryan and Brendon." "Did you just say Brendon?" I whisper, "hell yeah, go get him tiger." Right when he said that Brendon looks straight my way. Oh god, I have dreamed of this day since I have married Michelle, lol fuck her. We start to walk toward each other and he checks me out. Damn this boy is trying to fuck. We are about two feet in front of each other and he speaks first "it's a pleasure to meet you mr president. I'm Brendon." He says as he puts out his hand, I'm completely star struck. "The feeling is mutual. Call me Barak." I grab his hand and pull him into a hug. This feels right. The hug lasted about 10 seconds before I pull away so he doesn't get weirded out. I see Ryan and gee look over towards us, gee whispers something into Ryan's ear and they giggle. They are both beyond wasted. As the night goes on Brendon and I talk more and more and it turns out that he and Sarah got into a huge fight and are getting a divorce. Nice. I told him about my fight with Michelle. He nodded and laughed and said "who needs a wife anyways." Ever since I passed the equal rights law, this could change.

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