Golden days

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IM BACK! I'm going to be updating way more often now. I re read everything to see what's going on and tbh I was high as hell jfc. But anyway, enjoy.
              《barak pov》
The cars collide. I saw nothing, felt nothing, heard nothing. I am nothing. There was this man, who resembles wario with a bad combover, with red horns. And this angel, who's shoe game was strong af lmao. The angel introduced himself first. "Hello yung boi bratata, for I am Bernie. Feel the burn hoe. The homophobic, racist, raisin over there is Donald trumpet." "Gratata" the trumpet man whispers. "Look if y'all mofos could hurry up with this past, present, and future bullshit that would be great. I gotta go see my beebo" "k lmao" says Bernie. Suddenly, I see a bright light, I am alone. But I hear a tiny whisper in my left ear "a small loan of a million dollars, bing bong" I brush it off as the wind. But I can't move. Why can't I move? I just want to go and make sweet sweet love to my dearest beebo. And I kinda miss the sassy boa flaming homo keyboard fuck I call gee. And Frank I guess. Suddenly, I feel a soft, warm feeling around me. Embracing the warmth, I snuggle closer.

"Did you know I have a son"
"God Fucking damnit Ray this isn't the time for your bullshit"

"Tickle me rotten" he whispers as I begin to wake up, but wait. "Ray don't forget the check book!" I yell to nothing. But soon, I hope, I can see my wonderful beebo.

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